Dragon anger

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Acnologia Pov

"HOW DARE THAT LIGHTING DRAGON TAKE MY PRINCESS....HE MARKED HER...ILL RIP HIM APART" I Yelled punching a wall and it shatters. "If i cant have her....nobody will...He took her away from me...So nobody going to have her" Acnologia eyes glow and Marco appears. "What would you like us to do?" Marco asked.

"Get Zeref...hes the only one that has the power to destroy fairytail" i Growl and Marco nod and leaves. "Watch it fairytail im coming right for you"

Y/n Pov

sunlight attack my eyes as i slowly awake. I see im already dressed Laxus must've done it. I see hes not around until i smelled food and i jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs tripping and falling i growl when i land face first at the bottom and Laxus burst out laughing. I growl but i got up and walked over. I kissed him and sat down seeing waffles pancakes and toast!

I lick my lips like a starving dragon and Laxus chuckles and kisses my forehead and say down and put a few pancakes on my plate with some toast and a waffle i started to dig in

~~~5 mins later~~~~

We were all done and i went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do toilet before we go i look at the mirror and i see a lighting mark on my neck my eyes widen at first but i end up smiling. It wasn't a dream it was real i thought with a smile on my face and i came out Laxus looking at me. "Ready to go princess?" Laxus asked.

"You need to stop talking to Virgo...." I say rolling my eyes and Laxus laughs and we walk out of my house Laxus smirks and we zap to fairytail. "Laxus i was hoping to walk for once" I said and Laxus Smirks and we enter the guild everyone says hello then Natsu,Wendy and Gajeel comes up to me. "Hi guys?" I said and Natsu sniffs me. "ummm...N-Natsu?" I asked and he whispers.

"What did you do last night?" I go bright red and then Natsu sees me mark and he burst out laughing i got bright red then Laxus does a death glare and they run off and i giggle. We sat with the thunder legion and Ever starts smirking and she points to my mark. "YOU DID IT!" She fan girls. "SHUT UP EVER" I scream and the boys bust out laughing. "I feel like singing" i said. "NO!!" Laxus says and i laugh. "Don't you like my singing?" I asked. "You sing to much" Laxus moans and i smirk.

One smile off me was a mistake. It vanished and I punched him and he goes out the door i bust out laughing and the guild stand there shocked. A spark of electricity happens and im pinned to the wall with a pissed lighting dragon. I growl i kick him off... "Outside?" I said with a devil smirk and he nods we can out with the guild following. Time to show who is Alpha...

Both dragons were outside and ready the Guild making bets that Laxus would win I growl at them and they shiver in fear most of the girls voted on me so i was happy. "FIRST TO FALL WINS" Natsu screams at the top of his lungs and i smirk "Ready to rumble sparky?" I smirk and he growls.





I went for the first move i made my eyes go to my Nature green Eyes and i fly forward i punch Laxus but he catches it and throws me i spin. NATURE DRAGON ROAR! I make a beam of green come out Laxus dodges i growl making my eyes go Red. FIRE DRAGON BRILLIANT FLAME! I yell just getting Laxus. His eyes widen. I wasn't playing around.

"DON'T STEAL MY MOVE!" Natsu screams and my eyes glow to my blue water dragon. LIGHTING DRAGON ROAR! laxus Chants i didn't see it and took full force i yell in pain. I was shaking in fear and Laxus grits his teeth and punches me to the wall i roar it hurt all the dragon slayers ears.

I punch the ground and i explodes in flames and i roar louder making Laxus stop i used this as an advantage and i used my most power fullest spell my eyes went gold. CELESTIAL DRAGON SECRET ARTS... Lucy eyes widen.  FALLEN STAR! I yell making stars fall from the sky and Laxus roars in pain It took a lot of damage Laxus falls to his knees.

"LAXUS GET UP" Natsu screams. My hand glows gold and i start to walk up to Laxus...hesitating Master can see it. Laxus sees defeat and stands he roars letting lighting explode i growl and go into my golden dragon and i fly up Lighting hits me and i roar in pain,Laxus eyes widen...i was adsorbing the lighting

LIGHTING DRAGON SECRET ARTS....LIGHTING WAR ZONE! Laxus roars I widen my eyes that Laxus used such a dangerous move... It made everything blow up in lighting in the arena i took the full blast...."n-no" I fall from the sky. Everyone watches as i hit the ground making dust come up. When it settles i was pissed and was in human form..i was chanting a DANGEROUS spell..."Y/N NO" Makarov yells i ignore him and kept chanting.

MAY THE STARS ABOVE...SEE YOUR EVIL DOING...BANISH THE EVIL...MAKE HIM GO INTO OBLIVI- I wasn't able to finish the spell..an attack hits me from the side..it wasn't Laxus...i went flying into the Guild hall Laxus eyes widen.

"WHO DID THAT!!" Laxus and Master yell at the same time. "Who else has that power to send a dragon flying" A evil chuckle comes and Zeref and Acnologia appear, Natsu eyes widen as he sees Zeref. "YOUR DEAD FOR HURTING Y/N" the dragon slayers and Master shout out and charge for Acnologia

Change of heart (LaxusXReader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now