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Y/n Pov

Its the 4th day of the grand magic games I had to step in for Erza since only the 6 people master picked can be in the games Laxus went mental and yelling about the baby's health and i had to calm him down and promised him ill be careful. The other Guilds were looking at me when i came in knowing im pregnant.

"WELCOME TO THE FORTH DAY OF THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES" Pumpkin yells. "today will be different....EVERYONE WILL DO A 2 ON 2 BATTLE TODAY ALSO YOU WILL BE USING YOUR RESERVES AS WELL....if you don't have any you may bring one in or kick one of you members out" He says. "Wouldn't that be a good game for the last day?" I say and Laxus shakes his head.

"Last day we all battle each over all together its a tradition for the past 5 years" Laxus said and i nodded. "We haven't got a reserve so we kicking Y/n out" Gajeel said and i yell "WHAT?!?! WHY?!?!" I yell and everyone looks at me. "Your fucking pregnant" They all yell. "I DON'T CARE!" I yell "ILL FIGHT ALL OF YOU AT ONCE IF I WANTED TO" i growl and they all look at me shocked.

"If non of your players want to be kicked out we will choose a random its ok.THERE WILL BE 5 BATTLES TODAY!" Pumpkin yells "FIRST WILL BE LAMIA SCALE VS BLUE PEGASUS....ITS IS....TOBY AND LYON VS ICHIYA AND REN!" Pumpkin yells. "this is going to be interesting...." I smirked it was evil though that scared Natsu and grey. "BEGIN!" he yells and they

"ICE TIGER" Lyon yells as his ice tiger appeared. "POISON CLAWS" Toby yells and they charge AERIAL SHOT! Ren yells shattering the tiger but couldn't block Toby. STRENGTH MAN Ichiya yells and everyone had a blank expression on there face. Toby claws into Ichiya but his claws shatter and he throws Toby.

"AHHHH" He yells as he rams into Lyon but Lyon caught Toby and thew him back. "PARALYSES FANGS" Toby yells and bites into Ichiya and he couldn't move. ICE DRAGON SWORD A new creation he made it was a dragon but it's claws were turned to swords and fly at Ichiya and he falls.

"For god sake" Ren mutters AERIAL LEVITATION Ren yells floating and then he vanishes his magic made him faster and took out Toby then Lyon did a ice gorilla and finished Ren off. "10 POINTS FOR LAMIA SCALE!" the speaker boomed. A cheer went down "they have 45 points and there winning" I muttered and Laxus growled. "We need to stop that." He said and I agreed.

"NEXT GUILD IS THE ONE WE BEEN LOOKING FOR ITS 2 DRAGONS VS 2 DRAGONS ITS FAIRYTAIL LAXUS AND Y/N VS THE SABERTOOTH TWIN DRAGONS" The whole arena scream and our eyes widen "WHAT THE HECK THAT SHOULD BE US!" Natsu and Gajeel yelled. "shut it" I turn to them. "Y-Yes M- Miss..." Natsu and Gajeel cower. "Lets beat the crap out of them...." I smirked. We all stood in the middle and i clicked my knuckles and growled they both flinched and i smirked. "Lets go boys" Smirks. (Start music)

I fly at Sting not using any magic and i headbutt him into the side of the arena. They all looked shocked then Rouge came out of nowhere but Laxus kept him busy. I roar changing my eyes Galaxy GO MY WEAPON OF LIGHTING Smirks as a huge thunder bolt hits the ground and let Laxus adsorb it making him stronger and how im not at all afraid of it.

"FOR FAIRYTAIL" We both yell and kick sting and rouge into each over and i change my eyes to red FIRE DRAGON ROAR! i scream LIGHTING DRAGON ROAR! Laxus yells turning into a unison raid there eyes widen and it hits. "There a true work of art" Mavis said and Master smirked. I roar changing dragon it was my Water dragon and i snort making it rain.

I smack my tail to the ground making a wave appear from the ground Laxus moves and it hits them. They blocked it and sent a light shadow unison raid at me i thew Laxus off and i roar taking the hit i change human and growl i clap my hand and then My eyes were Green i healed myself and Laxus. I smirked.

Change of heart (LaxusXReader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now