No this isnt it?

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Nobody Pov

Its been 6 months since Laxus birthday and everything had been wild since Y/n is expecting her Child in a few days and people running around getting ready and Laxus is so excited for the baby to come and Y/n been a little stressful. 

Y/n Pov

Everyone getting ready i can feel the baby coming soon but i dont know when but ive just been doing some of the jobs around the bar. Someone asked me for a drink and i started walking over to them but i froze. My water broke as i dropped the tray on the floor i feel pain in my body and start to fall Laxus catches me in time.

"L-Laxus..Its coming" I Cry in pain and Laxus nodded. "Its ok Y/n we got you" Mira said and she yelled for Wendy that got everyone attention as Laxus carries me upstairs bridle style and take me into the infirmary i scream in pain. I knew it hurt but not this bad, Laxus puts me on the bed and hold my hand. "You got this" Laxus looks at me with his beautiful eyes and i smiled.

"Mira and Wendy was with me and i wince in pain Laxus looks worried. "Ok Y/n i need to you push..." Mira said and i pushed it hurt a lot and i held in my screams. "I knew it would be painful but i dont expect it to look that painful" Wendy said.

"I know Wendy but we just have to keep going." Mira said and looked at Laxus. "Its ok Laxus..." Mira smiles at Laxus and he nods looking at my face clearly showing my pain. I pushed but it hurt so much i looked up at the ceiling and think about what my mother would do.

" put...some sort...of....pain...reliever"I asked weakly and Wendy nodded and she glowed and focused on me and some of the pain went and it felt bearable. I Pushed and the pain increased and i grabbed Laxus hand Laxus flinches from the tighten and looks at me. I yell again. It felt like its been 2 hours but when i looked at the clock its only been  few minutes.

I pant i was so tired and i couldn't push anymore. "Come one Y/n we getting somewhere" Mira said and i push again Wendy magic isnt helping a lot anymore and i yell in pain again Laxus put both of his hands on my hand and i look at him. "This is really painful" I said and he smiles. "But its worth it" Laxus said and i smiled and pushed again.

I wanted this to be over already and have a beautiful child that i can call my own. I pushed even more and i scream in pain again but i felt movement of something. "I feel something!" I said excitedly and Mira smiles "I see a head" Mira said and i kept pushing and pushing more and more it was horrible.

----30 mins later-----

I scream in pain as i pushed one more time and i felt the baby finally come out. I was so tired but my vision starts to get blurry i could hear panic and screaming until i fall into complete darkness.


I was walking around a village and Everyone was giving me evil looks as if i killed someone and then everything froze and you can hear laughter and i looked around finding the source. Zeref and Acnologia. "Hello there my little Butterfly" Acnologia Smiles and was sitting on a car While Zeref was standing by a tree next to the car.

"Acnologia....Why did you want to talk to her again?" Zeref asked bored his eyes were cold and dark. "Because...i want this little Butterfly of ours to be ready for when she wakes up? To be honest..your meant to be arnt you?" Acnologia ask with an evil smirk and i growl my eyes flash.

"No point non of us can use magic here" Zeref said blankly. "What do you want?!?!" I yell and they both laugh. "You of course...and with that Magic in your have the power for the real dragons...we can use that agents The magic council and use it to take over the whole world. since Fairytail ruined our plan last time we kidnapped you" Zeref said with a Smirk like Natsu.

"Brother of Natsu or will never be able to control me...remember what happened last time?!?" I yell and Acnologia walks up to me and i dont flinch. No longer afraid of him. "You have guts im telling you butterfly....but this time it will be different...we will control after we brake your wings" He laughs and they both leave.

---Dream ends----

I slowly flutter my eyes open to see nobody in the infirmary i sit up and wince in pain. I now remember i was in labor and after i gave birth i fainted? I growl and i slowly stood up and i see my clothes and i put them on. I was really excited to meet my new son or daughter. Laxus must be full of himself to be a proud father but when i steaped out eveyone was quite. Why is eveyone upset?

Laxus was crying on the table with the Thunder legion conforting him. Oh no Dream is happening! I knew what was going to happen as Levy and Lucy walked up to me with red in there eyes. "Y-Y/n...Im so sorry" Levy said and looked down. "What happened?!?!" I look at them. "T-The B-Baby....It didnt survive when it came" Lucy said and i froze.

My heart skipped a beat. There saying i failed my child...My first Child is dead. I Scream and fell onto my knees everyone look up Laxus crying and looking up at me then he got up and ran over and keeled next to me. I hugged him i was heart broken.

A single tear hit the floor.

AND THATS BOOK 1 CLOSED Happy endings dont happen all the time. And i left it at a cliff hanger with Acnologia and Zeref I really hoped you enjoyed this book Last chapter for Change of Heart I can't believe how many views we have 4.5K I am so grateful for everyone supporting me and I WILL make a second book but I have a Transformers book coming out and it will keep me busy ALSO if you don't all ready add Change of heart to your library because when the second book comes out I will make sure to add details onto Change of heart so you will know when I finally add the book but be warned it will take me a while before I finally make it. Anyway I want to thank you all and enjoy the last chapter of my book. Lots of my love bai guys

Change of heart (LaxusXReader) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now