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Nobody Pov

Its been a week and Y/n Finally walking on her own again thanks to dragons they can heal themselves faster then humans can(she did use her nature dragon healing skills but it took A LOT longer then normal she was badly injured)"Y/N Wanna go on a mission with us?" The voice came from Evergreen and She turned around and smiled.

"Sure why not" Y/N smiled and sat down at the thunder legion table with Laxus.

Y/N Pov

I can finally walk again THANK YOU DRAGONS!! Anyway i was about to have a drink when i heard a voice come from behind me. "Y/N wanna go on a mission with us?" I turned to see the face of Evergreen. I smiled and said."Sure why not?" And i went to sit down with them. "The mission is 20 million to deal with so divide it between us 5 and we are still rich" Bixlow said my mouth dropped is thats true 20,000,000 divided by 5 is 4 MILLION EACH ILL BE RICH!

"Why pay that much though" They all looked at me. "Its to capture a dragon..." My eyes widen. "What dragon?!?!" I almost shouted it out. "shut up! Its name is Saphira...Scale color blue,eyes blue,age...over 400 years" Laxus said covering my mouth with his huge hand. i move his hand. "

"Wash your hand they stink" I said and the legion burst out laughing. "MY HANDS DON'T STINK" Laxus yells "Its worse then romeo Fart flame..." I said back instantly. Laxus pouts and the thunder legion calms down from the laughing fit. "Why have i got a BAD feeling im involved with this really badly..." I said. "We need you to draw the dragon out..try and convince her your her friend." Freed said. "ARE YOU INSANE IM NOT TRICKING ANOTHER DRAGON!" I yelled and everyone looked at us.

The dragon slayers come running over. "What dragon!" Natsu yells. I look down. "It wont be Igneel,Natsu and you know that" A tear drops. "You saw him die right in front of your eyes" I realized i just saw what Natsu memories were i blacked out when that happened and when i woke up my hand was on Natsu shoulder and he was about to cry i backed away shaking.

"N-Natsu..I-Im sorry...." I fell to my knees Natsu catching me. We just hugged. Natsu Crying. I sigh and make my eyes go Galaxy and i make a drink appear. "Here Natsu..." I say and he drinks it. After a minute he passes out in my arms. "Erza...can you take him to the infirmary....please...he will wake up in a few hours only a sleeping potion... " I look up at Erza.

"Ill take him" Grey said picking him up piggy back and take him Lucy and Wendy following. Laxus picks me up i was tired and placed me on his lap. "Knowing what dragons are like...This dragon might attack me...so i think the better thing is me to fight it into a trap that freed will set up" I said placing things down on the map of were there meant to be.

"This is a good plan well done kid!" Bixlow said but when he looked at me i was out like a light and Laxus Smirks. "We head out tomorrow then i guess..ill make sure to wake up Y/N" Laxus said carrying me home bridle style.

~~~Back at Y/n House~~~

Laxus Pov

She Fell asleep...this is the first time ive seen Y/N cry...it was horrible....it was worse then when the- Im not going to get into details... I put Y/N into bed and im going to sleep on the Sofa because...shes weak at this point...im not leaving her alone and im not letting Acnologia get a hold of her again not like last time...He was to close....IT PISSES ME OFF THINKING ABOUT IT.

But Im not going to allow myself to fall for the same trick twice...im so sorry i wasn't there to protect you       Y/N...I wish i was there for you...but i failed...not again..i wont allow it. I yawn and i closed me eyes. I was out like a light.


I woke up i must've fell of the Sofa coz i was on the floor Y/N was still asleep and i looked at the time 10:27am IM LATE I quickly got dressed and woke Y/N up. "Whats going on?" Y/N said. "WAKE UP WERE GOING TO BE LATE FOR THE TRAIN!" I yelled. "NO NOT THE METAL DEATH TRAP!" Y/N yelled as i pulled her out of bed and thew some clothes in the bathroom and herself.

"GET DRESSED NOW" i shouted. i quickly made some toast and when Y/N was dressed i gentle put a bit of toast in her mouth and dragged her out of the house.

Nobody Pov

Laxus and Y/N made it to the train station just in time. Freed smacked both of them on the head for being late and they went into a private carriage with the fairytail emblem on it and Y/N smiled.

"Did you like my surprise? I got it for us..since we going to be here for the night i got us our own carriage so we can say our plan about this dragon catching crap without over people hearing..and..this is for EVERY time a fairytail team goes on the train they just have to tell the station guard who they are and show there emblem and they have this..also for long trips you can decorate your room" Y/N smiles

The others mouths drops. "How much did you spend on this?!?!" Laxus asked. Y/N does a nervous laugh. "All my money for the permanent carriage....". Y/N Sighs and Laxus grab Y/n "ALL YOUR MONEY!" Laxus yells. "With...sound proof windows...and potion that temporarily cures motion sickness..." Y/N also said and Ever had to push Laxus away to free                     Y/n.

We go though the plan one more time...Y/N will go find the dragon in her giant dragon form..whatever one she wants to use....and she will bring the dragon out and she will either convince it to come with her or it will attack Y/N making her bring it to us any way..once the dragon is in my enchantment...Laxus..Ever and Bix..use a Unison raid to Nock the dragon out.

if Y/N doesn't do it before we arrive...Then we show the owner of the job they tell us what to do with it and we get 20 million jewels to take home. "Get some rest you will need it...were is Y/N?" Ever said and we look over to Y/n almost throwing up. "GET A BIN!" Ever screams. "Oi...Y/n Come here" Laxus mumbles hes also having small issue.

"Were did u put the potions for the motion sickness" Laxus asked. "They dont come until Monday...." Y/n Just able to say. "Look at me" Laxus said.   Y/n Looks up into Laxus Greenish blue eyes and he smiles. "Sleep Y/n" Laxus said and he hits the back of Y/n neck and she passes out. "Ever wanna calm a anger dragon hit it on the back of the neck it calms down" Laxus smirks.

Only the thunder legion and Erza knows Y/n Weakness and hopefully it stays that way...

A/N OK IM DONE WOOP THATS A RAP ME SLEEPY...sorry i haven't posted in a few days i went blank on ideas and had to read some books for help and i realized its either truth or dare or they go on a mission so why not mission were you have to track down a dragon Y/n perfect for this mission SHES A BLOODY DRAGON....anyway hope you liked this chapter the next one should be out tomorrow hopefully maybe a little earlier BUT WHO MY TAG FOR THIS CHAPTER IS Lover2friends
Night night my little fairies

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