Chapter 1

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You sat up from your pile of rugged blankets you called a bed and yawned, then smiled mischievously. "Another day, another ten or twenty rounds of painting to do." You giggled, eyeing your pile of supplies which consisted of your helmet, skateboard, and a big pile of blue spray-paint cans. Your helmet was one made for motorcycle riders, and your skateboard was painted black with a Megamind sigil in the middle.

You stood up and grabbed your helmet, placing it onto your head, then put your skateboard under your arm. You snatched up two of the cans, keeping both in your jeans pockets. After that you put on your sneakers and tied them.

"Time for breakfast." You thought as you crawled out from your small spot. You lived inside an old broken down section of a tall building outside of the city, it had a fake observatory on the roof as well. You had figured out this building was Megamind's hideout a year or so back, so you stayed there as a way of being near him, that, and you didn't have your own home.

You walked out from the building and threw your skateboard to the ground making it roll along, you ran with it then jumped on and kicked your feet along the ground to pick up speed. After about ten minutes you arrived in Metro City. You swerved your way through hidden alley ways and blind spot places to stay out of sight of the citizens until you finally arrived the Diner.

You snuck behind a nearby trashcan beside the store and waited for someone with some good food to walk out, then you spotted a man with you're favorite dish in the place, (Favorite food). You waited for just the right moment, then dashed out and snatched the food box. As he tried to grab you, you ran and tossed your skateboard then jumped onto it, making your escape.

"Danggit! You better run you little brat!" The man spat angrily, shaking his fist in the air. "Free food and a compliment? Oh, you're too kind." You giggled evilly. You steered into another alley and got off your skateboard, then picked it up and set it near a wall to sit on it. You opened up the plastic food container, licking your lips in hunger.

"Mmm, just how I like it." You thought contently as you ate. Once you were done, you threw the container away and got back on your skateboard, leaving the alley. You got out a spray can and looked around at all the blank walls. "These could use a paint job." You smirked.  As you glided along past the walls you painted 'M' after glorious 'M', laughing to yourself in glee.

"It's the Megapainter!" A woman gasped. "That little pest! Somebody call the police!" Another snapped. You smirked a bit wider. "Ah, I love the sound of hatred in the morning."

You turned a corner and jumped to a sidewalk to get past the road, and you were spotted by more people, getting gasps and angry shouts from them. "Get out of our city!" "Leave our precious buildings be you impudent child!" "I hope the police make you sorry!"

"Yeesh, can't they come up with something original for once?" You rolled your eyes and continued on. But unfortunately, you heard sirens in the distance. "Oh, come oooon." You groaned. "No fair! I haven't even gotten started yet!"

You turned into another alley and got off your skateboard, proceeding to run. "We're gonna catch you this time, there's no point in running!" An officer shouted. "You say that every time, and have you ever actually caught me? No." You sighed a tad bored. This particular alley was one of you used for an emergency escape route, in case the police had managed to find you a bit earlier than you had hoped.

You ran quickly, hearing police men getting out of their cars. You turned to a split area that led to another part of town, and readied your trap. You left a spray paint trail behind you as a way of making the police think the way you were going was a trap, so they'd accidently trick themselves into walking to the real deal. It works every single time for some reason, it makes you wonder how they haven't gotten fired yet.

Reaching the end of the tunnel you raced off on your skateboard, continuing your work and occasionally dodging the police.

Little did you know that there was someone watching you, quite fascinated with your troublemaking.

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