Chapter 16

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You were rolling down a dark road with surprisingly no traffic as fast as your legs would let you go, and fortunately Neo caught up with you after a short while, and he used his metal arms to boost you when you got tired. You didn't let the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes distract you, your only focus was following the blue menace that was at least a quarter-mile away.

"After everything I did... All those days I wasted dreaming of the day he'd realize I supported him... only for him to just... just brush me aside?!" You mentally screamed in both regret and outrage, picturing the look on Megamind's face if you were to reveal his true identity to that nosy reporter.

He betrayed you... and Minion! Minion! The one that was always by his side, no matter how many times he messed up or was inconsiderate towards him. It didn't matter how he acted or what he did, that adorable, mostly innocent fish in a metal suit was always there for him, and was loyal to his cause! And that blue, big-brained idiot just... just completely turned his back on him!

"He's gonna regret this... even if I have to make it happen." You growled, almost not noticing Neo make a small, almost worried bark in response.

Unfortunately, after another ten minutes passed, the usually invisible car was out of sight, and you decided to give up, stopping at a nearby mailbox and sitting on the cold concrete. You held your legs close and let your helmet rest on your knees, allowing sobs to escape your mouth, they were so strong that your shoulders shook.

Everything you were feeling came pouring out with your hopeless cries and tears; The betrayal, the rage, the despair, and even confusion.

After a few moments, you could feel Neo's metal hands rest on your shoulders, and he let out a few quiet barks. You could feel his metal body press against the top of your helmet, and you could easily tell that he was trying to comfort you. He was still just a brain-bot-- a somewhat recently built one at that, and he could only do so much, yet he was still trying his best to make you feel better...

You lifted your head up and moved the glass of your helmet up as well, sniffling and giving your dear robotic companion an appreciative smile.

"As stupid as Megamind may be, he did do something right." You snickered.

Neo tilted his body, most likely as a way of asking: "What do you mean?"

You replied right after, saying: "He made you."

But, surprisingly, Neo shook himself side to side, meaning 'No.'

You raised a brow. "Huh?" You didn't expect an answer, but you actually got one.

Neo offered you his right arm, and you held it curiously, then looked down. You could hardly see it, but Neo's bright red eye was almost like a dull flashlight, giving you enough light to read the word 'MinMin' engraved on it.

"Wait... Minion made you??" You looked up at the brain-bot in awe. You'd never thought for a moment that those bulky metal hands of his could put something like a brain-bot together... Maybe Megamind did most of the work but Minion put in the programming? That sounded logical... sadly.

Neo barked a bunch, clearly meaning 'yes'.

You gave a scoff of a laugh. "Guess one of Megamind's few non-mistakes was keeping Minion, then. And he couldn't even do that right in the end."

Suddenly, you heard almost ear-piercing screams in the distance, they sounded familiar... could it be..?

"The reporter??" You raised a brow. Wasn't she supposed to be wherever Megamind was headed? Not that you really cared, you just found it weird. "Heh, maybe she's just using him or something." You thought with a smirk, then rolled your eyes upon realizing how little sense that made. Roxanne Ritchi was a lot of things, but manipulative was certainly not one of them.

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