Chapter 8

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You were sitting on your 'bed' with Neo sleeping in your lap, thinking to yourself about Megamind, wondering what he was doing now that you had gotten the idea of 'making a hero' into his head.

After about twenty minutes, Neo woke up. "Good morning, Neo." You smiled, petting his head. Neo barked a bit and nuzzled against you, and you hugged him. Neo then flew up and went over to your supplies, barking a bit eagerly. You giggled a little. "Ready to go?" He nodded.

You stood and put on your helmet, then equipped yourself like usual, but when you put the paint cans in your pockets, you felt one hit something inside. You took the blue paint can out in confusion, then reached in until you felt something small. You pulled it out, and saw it was the gold star pin Metro Man had given you the day he was finally finished off.

Neo examined the star curiously, his eye zooming in on it a bit. "M... Metro Man gave me this." You told him, your tone a bit distant. Neo seemed even more curious at that. You shook your head a little to snap out of your daze, then stuffed the star back in your pocket, your paint can going in on top of it.

"Let's get going." You said, and Neo nodded. You grabbed your skateboard and crawled out from your spot, then ran along the way. But for some reason, when you jumped on your skateboard, you could've sworn you heard a car engine starting up from a few feet away.

You looked around, but saw no source of the noise. You shook your head again and pressed on. "I must be imagining things or something." You thought. 

Upon arriving in the city citizens fled and hid from your presence, still making you giggle. You grabbed breakfast like always and went to work, deciding to mix things up a bit with the black. (You had taken one blue can and one black can with you.)

"What do you think about adding mini black 'm's in a big blue one?" You asked Neo. Neo barked and flipped in the air, meaning he liked the idea. You shook up the blue can and got started, unaware of the intrigued eyes that were watching you.


Once you were finally done you smiled proudly to yourself as you admired your work. Neo seemed pretty happy about how it turned out, examining all the little details you put into it. But apparently he wasn't the only one who liked it.

"Wow! I must say, you're quite talented!" You heard an impressed voice say.

You turned around and almost jumped. There, in what was unmistakably the invisible car, was a fish in the window.

Literally, it was a fish.

A small, green, very abnormal, and oddly cute looking fish.

It was looking at you with a smile and big, light brown eyes, swimming in what looked like a glass container of some sort.

"You... you're..." You were in shock as you looked at the fish, realizing exactly who it was. And as if he read your mind, he nodded with a grin. "No way! You're Minion! The Minion!" You gaped, not that he could see. Minion laughed, amused by your reaction.

You never thought you'd actually be able to talk to Minion in person er-- fish? Whatever. It was both unbelievable and amazing to you.

"Indeed it is I." He said, grinning. "What are you doing here?" You asked, tilting your head. Minion chuckled a bit and replied: "I'm here to see if you'd be willing to become a part of the team."

You were stunned for a moment.

"A p-part of the team?" You asked in disbelief. Minion once again nodded. "I've been keeping an eye on you for a pretty long time now, and from what I've seen, you've got lots of potential in villainy." You still couldn't believe what you were hearing. Minion, Megamind's right-hand, er--fin in Minion's case you guessed, was asking if you would like to work with both him and Megamind himself.

How could this be happening??

"So, would you like to join us?" Minion asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. Neo flew next to you, waiting for your answer. You were silent for a moment, but you began jumping all over the place with excitement. "Yes! Yes! Absolutely!!" You cheered. Minion laughed once again, a bit surprised but happy that you were excited. Neo barked and flew around doing flips, seemingly just as excited as you were.

"Then welcome aboard! Now, how about you hop in the back?" Minion motioned to the back seat with his robot hand. "Really? I get to sit in the invisible car??" You asked in shock. "Yup! Get in!" Minion nodded, beckoning you to get in. You wasted no time in collecting your stuff and climbing into the vehicle, even though it was tricky since you couldn't see the door at first. Neo flew in with you and you shut the door.

You looked around the inside of the car in fascination, you had always wondered what the inside of it looked like, and now you were actually seeing it!

"Ready to go, kiddo?" Minion asked as he looked back at you, getting ready to drive off. You buckled up and held Neo in your arms, nodding excitedly. "Alrighty! Here we go!" Minion then put the car in gear and drove off, and you had a feeling you knew exactly where you were headed.

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