Chapter 9

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You could hardly stay in your seat as Minion drove the invisible car towards the large building that served as a disguise for the evil lair. "Is this really happening?" You asked in complete disbelief. Minion chuckled. "It certainly is."

He drove towards two metal doors which opened upon arrival, then entered the building.

He deactivated the cars invisibility and got out once he parked, still smiling happily as he did. You were behind a bunch of shelves that had rows upon rows of gadgets and doohickeys that piqued your curiosity.

He walked over and opened the door for you, bending over a little so he could be a little more at your level. "Here we are!" He announced giddily. "Thank you." You giggled as you and Neo got out of the car.

He chuckled and grabbed some things from the car that you hadn't seen before, it was a large box of donuts and two cups of coffee.

"Would you like one?" He offered, lowering the box to you. You nodded quickly, making him laugh again. You opened the box and took out a (Favorite Donut), you couldn't help but lick your lips a little, not that Minion could see.

Suddenly, you heard an all too familiar voice call out.

"Minion! I have very important matters to discuss!"

It was Megamind!

Minion then whispered to you. "Now, he doesn't know that I brought you here, so he may be a bit alarmed to see you, so um, just stay hidden for now, okay?" You nodded, and Minion walked away with the donuts and coffee still in his hands. You lifted up the glass to your helmet and stuck the donut in your mouth, keeping it slightly open so you could remove the donut and eat it afterwards.

You decided you'd take a look around. You grabbed your skateboard and paint cans out of the car, then softly shut the door so Megamind wouldn't hear it. You put the cans in your pockets like usual.

You got on your skateboard and rolled off to another part of the lair, Neo curiously following behind. He barked a bit as if he were asking a question, so you removed the donut from your mouth and said: "I wanna look around a bit while we wait." To which he just barked again and flew ahead of you, it seemed like he was making sure the path ahead was secure for you to ride through, even though you were just going at a slow, practically drifting pace.

There was machinery and things of the like as far as the eye could see, it was shocking just how many things Megamind had built all on his own, sure, he had Minion's help for some of the odds and ends of things probably, but you get the idea.

"Wow..." You thought, taking a bite out of the deliciousness you held in your hand.

*Mini timeskip*

As you finished your donut you rolled over to an opening at the back and almost immediately went over to a metal closet, closing yourself in as stealthily as possible, Neo had surprisingly slipped in with you, his bright blue head illuminating the rectangular space.

The reason you hid was because you were at the very same place Megamind and Minion were, and in fear of being spotted you ran for cover, the closest thing obviously being the closet, or at least you were pretty sure it was a closet despite the fact that it was empty.

You heard Minion speak after a minute.

"'Create a hero'? Wait-wait-what? Why would you do that??" He asked Megamind in shock. Your eyes widened as you heard this, and they got even wider at Megamind's reply.

"So I have someone to fight! Minion, I'm a villain without a hero. A yin with no yang. A bullfighter with no bull to fight. In other words, I have no purpose!"

You were in disbelief in that moment. He was far more devastated by Metro Man's death than you first thought, he was actually going to make a hero??

"Now, ask me how I'm going to do it. Go on! Ask!" He urged Minion excitedly.

You heard Minion sigh before he did what he was told. "How are you gonna do it?"

At this Megamind gave a hearty laugh, and you were pretty sure you heard what sounded like a box being hit by something, but you didn't really give it much thought.

Megamind proceeded to explain his entire plan, and all you could do was listen, unsure what to do.

"I'm going to give someone-I don't know who yet: Metro Man's powers." You heard the firing of his dehydration gun before he continued on. "I'm going to train that someone to become Metrocity's new hero."

Another shot. "Over here! Follow!" He told Minion most likely so he'd keep up with him on whatever he was doing.

"And then finally, I'm going to fight that hero in an epic battle of good and evil. Which will put everything back the way it was... when the world was perfect, and rosy!" He spoke a bit lower at the last part. 

"Behold, Minion, Metro Man's cape. Look closely. Tell me what you see." He instructed.

"He has the cape?" You thought.

"Dandruff?" Minion said, getting a laugh from Megamind.

"Yes. It's his DNA!"

You froze when you heard his voice go past you as footsteps walked by the closet, then went off to one side.

"From this, we'll extract the source of Metro Man's awesome power."

You dared to peer out from the closet by opening it slightly, and watched as they walked into another room with hairnets on their heads. You couldn't help but raise a brow. 

"But they don't... oh, never mind." You shook your head.

You motioned for Neo to follow you as you fled from the closet with your skateboard in your arm, fleeing to a nearby shelf with countless test-tubes and things like that on it.

You crouched down beside it to stay hidden with Neo behind you, and you heard a large machine begin to start up, making loud noises with electricity shocks and metal turning. Yellow light illuminated from the room the two were in, making you wonder exactly what the machine was doing.

"Sir, I think this is a bad idea." Minion raised his voice a bit so that Megamind could hear him over the noise. "Yes! This is a very, wickedly bad idea for the greater good of man!" Megamind replied. "But I'm saying this is a kind of bad that... Ok, you might think it's good in your bad perception, but from a good perception, it-it-it's just plain bad."

"Oh, you don't know what's good for bad!" Megamind retorted. You once again froze when you saw the two walking back. Megamind had some kind of small, glowing rod in-between some large, spiked metal pliers, he rushed to place it inside of a large gun. Once he placed it in he continued talking, preparing the gun for shooting in the process.

"Now, we have just one shot at this. We must find a suitable subject, someone of noble heart and mind. Who puts the welfare of others above their own."

You snapped out of your daze and tried to get to a safe distance and hide, but as soon as you were sneaking away, both you and Neo froze at the sound of your skateboard that had somehow slipped from your arm and hit the ground with a light 'thud'. You must have loosened your grip while you were listening to Megamind talk.

"...What on earth was that?" Megamind asked, looking around briefly.

Minion looked in your direction and panic painted his face as Megamind turned and saw you, almost dropping the gun in shock.


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