Chapter 6

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You and the brain-bot went back to your hideout after the little meeting was over.

"Well, just so you know: my name is (Y/n), and this is my home." You told it. You weren't usually comfortable telling your name to others, but since the brain bot couldn't talk you were pretty sure you wouldn't have to worry about it spreading the word. The brain bot barked a little, flying around to examine things. "Y'know, I think we should give you a name." You mentioned, sitting on your bed of blankets.

The brain-bot barked curiously, flying up to you.

"How about... Lightning?"

The brain bot tilted its head.

You shrugged and shook your head. "Nah, that name's way overused." You crossed your arms and continued to think.

"...What about Smarty-bot?"

The bot made a disagreeing sound, almost like a 'bleh'.

You nodded, thinking it was dumb.


That was when you noticed a small set of numbers engraved on one side of the brain bot's jaw. You brought it closer to you and examined the numbers, it seemed to be a date of some kind. It was pretty recent, just a few months or so earlier.

"Aww, you're a baby brain bot aren't you?" The brain bot barked a little in reply. You could swear a lightbulb went off in your head. "Why don't we call you Neo?" The brain bot barked a bunch and snuggled into you, making you laugh.

"'Neo' it is then!"

After a little while you finally decided to take off your helmet to get ready for sleep. The brain bot seemed curious to see what your face looked like. You slowly pushed it up over your head, and held it in your arms as the brain bot studied you. It barked happily and nuzzled your face, making you smile.

It cuddled up into your arms as you lied down, the gentle glow of its blue head illuminating your small hole of a home. The glow was entrancing to look at, and you eventually fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up ready to get back to work, and this time, things would be a lot easier.

You grabbed your usual supplies and put on your helmet, then grabbed your skateboard. You crawled out of the hole while Neo followed you. He seemed to bark as a way of asking what you were doing. You tossed your skateboard to the ground and jumped onto it, rolling your way to the city. You decided to fill Neo in on the details.

"I'm called 'the Megapainter' in the city, what I do is I paint M's all over buildings and stuff, it was usually hard since police were always after me, but now that Metro Man is gone the police will be too scared to even go near me!" You giggled. Neo nodded a little, flying along beside you.

Once you reached the city, the people that saw you almost immediately ran and hid for cover. "T-The Megapainter!" "Everybody stay back and don't do anything to make'em angry!" Two people warned.

"This is even better than I expected!" You laughed. You kicked up your skateboard and caught it in your arm once you reached the diner. As soon as you stepped in everyone looked at you in fear.

"The Megapainter!"

A waitress carefully walked over to you. "U-Um, i-is there anything I can get you..?" She asked, stuttering in fear. "Get me a (favorite dish) to go and make it quick, I don't have time to stand around." You ordered sternly. "Y-Yes s-sir, o-or ma'am." She nodded and ran off.

No one could actually tell your gender due to your voice being muffled by your helmet when you spoke, nor did anyone know to begin with. You were a true mystery to the city in more ways than one.

She came back with the dish and handed it to you, her hands trembling slightly. You snatched the dish and walked away saying: "Took long enough."

You sat on a nearby bench to eat, smirking to yourself whenever somebody gasped at the sight of you and ran off. Neo used his metal arm appendages to hold your shoulder and watched you quietly, it seemed like he was guarding you in a way. "This is so much better than eating in the alley." You sighed contently.

Once you were done eating you both continued on and you made your way to another shop. The cashier put his hands up and with a quivering voice said: "T-Take anything you want! The p-paint is in the back!" You chuckled and ran over, Neo following behind.

You grabbed a pack of black spray paint cans, and got a few different shades of blue too, Neo easily carried them since spray paint cans were light. After making sure you had all the paint you wanted, you both left the shop.

"So much paint and so many blank slates to use it on! And better still: No one to erase it!" You giggled enthusiastically, skating along the empty roads, eyeing buildings and imagining the designs you could make. You could swear you heard laughing from the distance, and you skated over to see where it was coming from. You hid behind a corner of a building and looked over, seeing Megamind and Minion. They were stealing a numerous amount of items from different places and sending it all over to City Hall.

You smiled a little, enjoying getting to see how happy Megamind looked. Yet... something seemed off. He looked happy, but, at the same time it looked like something was off. He was smiling whenever Minion looked at him, but when he looked away a frown made its way to his face.

Why would something be bothering him?

He got everything he wanted didn't he? Metro Man is finally gone, and he can do whatever he wants! So why does he look so... Melancholy? That means unhappy by the way.

You decided to leave them be and start your painting, thinking that perhaps he'd feel better later, little did you know of the events that were going to take place by that night.

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