Chapter 22

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Ironically enough, it was the shortest hour of your life. You two barely had time to realize what was happening when Hal suddenly returned and snatched the camera, chuckling out a:


Before either of you could even speak, Hal started up the camera again.

"Hey, Metro losers! This, is Metro Tower."

He turned and pointed the camera at you both as he continued.

"They say it's supposed to be a symbol of our city's strength. But for me, it's a reminder of the day this woman ferociously ripped out my heart!"

He flew up above the two of you and Roxanne started struggling against the bars, making your heart start to race as you finally realized something terrible was just about to happen.

"And I hate reminders!" He finished, then he dove down with such force that it made the two of you shake around briefly.

You heard loud crumbling sounds beneath you, and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together.

Hal was going to make the tower break in half, which would cause you to fall to your death.

You both yelped as the tower began to lean to one side, and Roxanne fearfully shouted: "Hal!"

It wasn't long before the redheaded brute flew back up, carelessly stomping down in front of you.

Please, don't do this... I know there's still good in you, Hal." Roxanne pleaded, but Hal still wouldn't be swayed.

"You're so naïve, Roxie. You see the good in everybody even when it's not there. You're living a fantasy. There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy, and there is no Queen of England."

Roxanne led her head fall in defeat, and looked at you with an apologetic expression. You could tell she wanted so desperately to get you out of this mess, but there was nothing she could do. You didn't blame her, though, nobody could've seen this coming.

You had plenty of regrets; Things you wished you would've done differently, words you should've and shouldn't've said, and more. No child should have to feel this way, or be trapped in this kind of situation, but here you were. 

At the very least, if you were really going to meet your end like this, you wouldn't have to be alone.

"This is the real world, and you need to wake up!" As Hal finished his speech, however, you heard music starting to play in the distance, and your heart skipped a beat.

Out of nowhere, a multitude of black, smoke-like clouds surrounded the top of the tower, and the source of them seemed to be a large, also black blimp that was presenting a jaw-dropping lightshow. You felt the tower's broken half abruptly fall a little further, causing you to shake around again, but all you could do was stare as the blue lights and brain-bots swirled all around you, before the bots themselves flew into a dark silhouette that resembled Megamind's head.

"You dare challenge Megamind?" The silhouette moved as if it were alive, and you heard the voice of your hero speak at the same time.

"This town isn't big enough for two super villains." Hal spat, readying himself to charge.

You felt the biggest smile you could possibly have spread across your face, and you knew Roxanne felt the exact same way.

"Oh, you're a villain all right. Just not a super one!" The silhouette revealed itself to indeed be a spectacular display of countless brain-bots all moving as one humongous Megamind head.

Megamind X Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now