Chapter 17

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It only took ten minutes for Neo to track down where the taxi had dropped the reporter off at. It looked like a pretty fancy restaurant.

Neo set you down on the street a few meters away to avoid being seen by anyone inside, and fortunately there wasn't much traffic on this side of the city currently. You decided to leave your skateboard in a nearby alleyway, not wanting to drag it around for no reason. Roxanne had just gone inside and you were going to sneak a peek through the window, but before you could you saw that doofus of a 'hero' floating down.

"Thought he was too busy with his heartbreak to go looking for her again... Guess not." You muttered, rolling your eyes. Neo clung to your body with his arms when Hal shockingly looked over at you, still pouting but looking a little confused.

"Why did you help her down?" He asked, sounding pretty despondent but suspicious.

You shrugged.

"I was bored, she was stuck, and I thought to myself: 'Maybe I shouldn't let her freeze to death up there.' Unlike you, who thought it would be a fantastic idea." You responded, chuckling to yourself when you saw the annoyance in his eyes.

"Well, thanks to you she's in there with some dweeb. Look." He surprised you by snatching you from Neo's grasp and holding you up to the window, giving you a view of Roxanne and... Bernard?

No, wait a minute... that watch on his left wrist...

"So that's how he does it..." You thought. That watch was capable of disguising him as anybody he wanted, as long as he scanned them with it first he could make himself look almost exactly like them. He must've used it to copy Bernard's look when you weren't paying attention during his little visit to the Metro Man museum, and he's been using that disguise to play 'innocent citizen' around Roxanne ever since.

"Just look at this! This is your fault!" He tossed you to the ground, making you roll across the concrete at least three times. You groaned as you pushed yourself up, feeling Neo assist you after a minute and lift you up to your feet, keeping a tighter grip on your body this time.

"Pfft, my fault? Yeah, I totally knew she was going on a date and wanted to be a good person by helping her get here." You scoffed, brushing the dirt off your pants. You looked up to see him floating a short distance away from you and slowly getting closer, but he stops himself after a second and looks back at the restaurant window.

He sighs, muttering a "Forget it." and flying up into the air, quickly disappearing from sight despite the vibrant red and orange-colored suit he was wearing. You stared up at the sky for a moment, then huffed a bit.

"He's living proof that you can give a person great powers, but that won't make the person great." You said, and Neo barked.

Suddenly, you heard thunder in the distance, and you heard Neo whimper a little. Right... it wouldn't be good if he got wet.

"Head back, Neo. I'll be there soon." You told him, and he barked before nuzzling your helmet and giving you a little squeeze with his metal arms, and you giggled before giving him a pat and waving him off. He flew into the night, and it wasn't long before the blue glow of his head was lost in the darkness.

"...If anything, you won't have to see me cry again if it happens." You mumbled quietly, then sighed before walking back over to the window and peeking inside. You could see 'Bernard's mouth moving, but due to the glass you couldn't hear anything he was saying. He looked nervous at some points, then when Roxanne spoke he seemed relieved for just a second before saying something else with a little pout and making Roxanne laugh. They stopped talking after that and just stared into each other's eyes.

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