Chapter 14

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Megamind had picked a deserted factory out of town to practice in, it was pretty big and had plenty of all space, he also brought along a barrage of brain-bots in case of anything painted that was 'salvage-worthy'.

You and Megamind were currently faced with a large, blank, grey brick wall. It wasn't too decayed or stained, which was perfect. He looked thrilled to just be standing next to you, it made you want to squeak in glee.

"So, how does one... do the things you do?" He asked. He'd crouched down so he was on equal level with you, waiting excitedly for your answer. He was wearing his pure black goggles from when he first made the odd glowing substance, but you could still tell he was excited just by the big grin on his blue face.

Being on the spot like this made you pretty nervous, but you gulped back your fear and played it cool.

"Well... when I paint, I usually just try my best to copy the image I come up with in my head, like this:" You sprayed a small, dark blue 'M' on the wall, then outlined it with some black to make it stand out.

Megamind nodded in understanding, humming to himself as he examined your work.

"There's no 'rights' or 'wrongs' to it really, you just spray what you want to have on the wall. More skilled people have a whole bunch of colors and details that made their paintings bold and stand out, but I prefer to keep it simple and not go overboard with it too much." You explained, adding an 'E', 'G', and 'A' alongside the 'M'.

"You can paint the last four letters." You said, handing Megamind the two spray-cans. He held took them gladly, but as he examined your work he looked a bit nervous.

"What's wrong?" You tilted your head, concerned that you said something wrong.

"I'd hate to ruin such fine art..." He admitted, slumping his shoulders.

You giggled, getting his attention.

"It's okay, like I said, there's no way to mess up, you just do what you like." You tried to encourage him.

Megamind seemed a little more reassured of himself, then tried his best to copy what you did.

In the end, he was pretty sloppy. The 'M' in 'mind' he made overlapped the 'A' you'd painted just a few moments ago, and like the 'M', the rest of the letters were nearly twice the size of yours, and when he'd used the black it easily overlapped and mixed with the letters themselves.

Megamind looked over at you, a bit uneasy.

"For your first time, that's not too shabby." You crossed your arms and nodded.

Megamind's smile returned, looking proud of himself.

And that was how it was for the next 3 hours until he decided it was time to head back.

From then on, you'd spend a couple hours every day painting together after he was done training Hal. After another week passed, Megamind had asked you if he could see where you'd lived before the lair, of course, you told him you were happy to, but on the inside you couldn't help but worry about what he'd think.

You were anxiously leading him to your hole you called home, Neo floating beside you while your hero of villainy was following behind like a lost puppy. Once you arrived, you hesitantly stepped aside so he could see.

"Well... um... this is it..." You announced, motioning to your small area.

Megamind looked shocked.

"This little spot? Really?"

You gulped, feeling ashamed of yourself, but then he asked another question.

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