New York

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“Last stop in America!” I cheered; I was so excited to go overseas!

We were now in New York and the boys had their biggest gig today; Madison Square Garden!

They’d already done two shows in New York and were currently on a talk show. We’d decided to go to dinner after this interview at the Stardust Diner which I’d heard was amazing. Their waitresses and waiters sang and were supposed to be incredible.

“Alright ladies out there; how about you give a big cheer for One Direction because they’re going to sing now!” the lady doing the interview said.

A huge roar went up through the crowd and the boys were each handed a microphone. As they began to sing What Makes you Beautiful, I heard a crash behind me.

When I turned around, I saw that someone had dropped a chair onto a makeup kit. I quickly went to help pick up the lipsticks, cover-up, brushes, eyeliners, and mascara that now littered the floor.

“Who did this?” I heard an angry voice ask and I turned to see a man that looked about 20 come out of the back room.

“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to-“ The lady who’d dropped the chair tried to tell him, but he wasn’t hearing it.

“You irresponsible girl! We can’t have things like this going on!” he yelled at her and I just started at him. Seriously dude? She didn’t mean to!

“Get out; now!” he barked at her and she quickly scurried away, “Who are you?” he questioned

“I’m with One Direction.” I told him, standing up

“What are you doing?” he asked me

“I was just helping her pick the stuff up,” I replied in a duh tone; what did it look like buddy?

“You don’t need to do that sweetie, we have people for that.” He purred and stepped towards me.

I grimaced, wrinkled my nose in disgust and backed up; ewe, he was not seriously coming onto me right now!

“You’re much too pretty to be doing things like that.” He said taking another step towards me.

I looked around for help, but Eleanor and Danielle had gone to the bathroom so we were alone.

“Yu know, being pretty can get you very far in life; you just have to know how to use it.” He told me. He was now way too close for comfort!

“I think you should back up.” I told him sternly

“And why is that? You want to go far don’t you?” he questioned, running a finger up my arm.

I swatted his hand away and tried to move around him, but he blocked my path.

“Not with you, I don’t!” I said

He chuckled before stepping forwards once more. He was now almost touching me and I tried to push him away, and started to panic a little when he didn’t budge.

“Move away or I’ll scream!” I told him

He laughed once more, “I like it when girls scream.”

“What the hell are you doing?” I heard a voice yell and the man turned, and i saw one Direction standing in the doorway, Eleanor and Danielle behind them.

Thank god! I thought and tried to move the man again, but he still didn’t move.

“Get away from her!” Niall yelled at the man, but he still didn’t move.

“NOW!” Niall hollered and the man stepped reluctantly away. I quickly ran over to Niall who gave me a quick hug before lightly pushing me behind him.

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