First Fan Experience

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“Louis?” I asked

“Hannah!” he yelled back. I pulled my ear away from the phone because he was so loud and laughed.

“Were on our way to the hotel, can you get Paul to meet us outside?” I said

“Don’t want to get up close and personal with the fans?” he joked

“Already did, and don’t want to again anytime soon.” I replied, remembering the girls at the pizza shop

“Are you guys ok?” Louis asked, suddenly serious

“Were fine, don’t worry.” I said back, smiling at his concern

“You know they were bound to have gotten pictures of the two of you.” Louis said

“Ya, I know.” I replied

“You ready for your life to change Hanza?” he asked and I laughed at the nickname, but not at the statement. Was I ready for my life to change?

The answer came to me as I hung up telling Louis we were five minutes away.

“Are you?” Niall asked “Ready for your life to change that is?”

I looked at him seriously, “Yes, if it means I get to be with you.”

He smiled broadly and took my hand in his and kissed it.

When we got to the hotel, girls were still waiting for a chance to get a glimpse of the guys. They swarmed the car as we drove up, and suddenly my door opened causing me to jump.

Paul was standing there, holding back girls and I clambered out before being escorted in by another body guard. I looked back to see a valet trying to maneuver the car through the crowd and Niall with Paul being brought in behind me.

When we got up to the hotel room, the body guard with me opened the door to Niall’s room and I was immediately jumped on.

I looked up from where I lay on the ground and saw Louis on top of me grinning.

He helped me up before I was crushed in a hug from Zayn, then Harry, Liam and finally gentler hugs from Eleanor and Danielle.

“So, how was your first encounter with the fans?” Zayn asked me as we all sat down on the couches. Niall sat beside me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I snuggled into his side before answering.

“Well, it’s going to take some getting used to; it was actually kind of scary.” I replied

“Ya, it can be overwhelming at times, but you learn to love them.” Liam said, smiling understandingly

“They pretty much leave us alone; they just want to get to the guys; unless you get the angry fans who want to hurt you to get you away from the boys.” Eleanor said and Louis pulled her close to him, saying “I won’t let them get you!” she smiled and kissed him before Zayn told them to get a room.

“Uh oh, you guys should see this.” Harry said breaking up the pillow fight that had developed between Zayn and Louis.

We all crowded around the computer he was on o see a picture of Niall and me running from the pizza parlor, holding hands.

It was a reporter on youtube that had already done a segment on the possibility of Niall no longer being single.

“That was fast!” Liam said, sitting down again after it was over. The rest of the group sat with him, but I sat at the computer and looked more closely at the video. It already had thousands of hit and the number was increasing every second. I scrolled down to the comments section to see the two top comments. One was ‘those girls are so awful, they need to give them some space!’ while the second said ‘I hope my Niall isn’t dating someone! Stupid lucky bitch!’

The second comment kind of threw me off guard. I felt the back of my chair dip slightly as someone rested their hand on the back of it. I turned to see Liam reading the comment over my shoulder. He looked concerned at then turned towards Niall but I shook my head, silently telling him it wasn’t worth getting Niall upset over; I didn’t care what people thought of me.

Liam reluctantly nodded and went to sit beside Danielle. I got up from where I sat to once again sit beside Niall. He kissed my head when I leaned into him and I smiled; I really was a lucky bitch, minus the bitch part. I snorted at my thoughts, receiving a confused look from Zayn, but I just shook my head chuckling before Harry stood up and announced he was bored.

“How about a movie? We haven’t sat down to a movie in ages.” Liam said getting up to go to the television. We agreed and he started looking through the payperview channel and everyone decided on ‘Orphan’; all except me.

“No!” I said sternly

“Aw, come on, it’s not that scary!” Zayn pleaded

“No!!” I said again

“I’ll protect you!” Niall said

“No, absolutely not!” I replied stubbornly

“Don’t be chicken! We promise it’s not that scary!” Zayn said again

“I’ll protect you!” Harry said this time

“Fine!’ I said exasperated

“Hey!” Niall protested while Harry yelled yay and came over, squishing himself between Niall and me, and putting his arms around me.

I laughed while Niall pouted and Liam put the movie on.

The movie had barely started before I’d already gotten scared.

“Harry, no offense, but I need my boyfriend right now!” I said while crawling over him to get onto Niall’s lap; this movie was fucking scary!

Niall stuck out his tongue at Harry and held me closer to him.

The movie was at one of those parts, where you know something really scary is about to happen because of the music but watch anyway, and I had my head buried in Niall’s chest, one eye peaking out at the screen, when someone grabbed my arm and yelled BOO!

I screamed and jumped off Niall and into Zayn’s lap who was sitting on the floor.

Harry burst out laughing saying that was payback for leaving him for Niall, and I tried to settle my heart which was now racing way too fast for comfort.

The movie finished a little while later, after Louis had scared Danielle and Liam had scared Eleanor, and we were eating room service dinner when I noticed how late it was.

“Holy crap, it’s already 1:30!” I said

“Just stay here tonight” Niall said and I agreed.

Everyone left except Liam and Danielle who were sharing the room with Niall. I went ot the bathroom and checked my phone as I used an extra toothbrush the boys had for some reason.

-You ok?- Curtis

-Ya, I’m all good, were at the hotel and nobody was hurt- Hannah

After a few minutes, in which I changed into the huge shirt and boxers Niall had given me to sleep in, he responded.

-Ok good. See you tomorrow and no funny business tonight missy- Curtis

- alright dad =) see you tomorrow- Hannah

I left the bathroom and got into the bad Niall was already in. Shirtless and in boxers, I blushed slightly at his lack of clothes and heard Liam laugh from across the room. He and Danielle were snuggled up in the other bed, and he’d noticed me blush.

I stuck my tongue out at him and got closer to Niall. He put his arm around me and we fell asleep that way; and I’d never had that good of a sleep before in my life.

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