Bad Day

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**Niall’s POV**

Jesus, I’m so knackered! For the past three days my body has been getting used to the new time zones and for two of those days me and the boys have been doing interviews and a number of shows; and today was no different.

The day started off well enough with an amazing breakfast that the crew at the GMTV had laid out for the lads and me, but my day just went downhill from there.

First, the man interviewing us asked basically just talked to Harry and Liam, and when he did address Louis, Zayn or I he asked either stupid questions like ‘are you happy with how things turned out?’ (Ya, obviously it’s amazing), or he asked rude questions like ‘do you feel like your backup singers sometimes?’ (No, were all equal in the group thank you!).

Overall, the interview was not my favourite thing. Next, I burnt my tongue on the coffee they had which just sucks, when the girl who won the ‘meet one direction’ contest came and greeted us, she ignored me which stung, when we walked through the crowd to get back to our car I got trampled and lost my hat, so all in all I was not in a very good mood.

When we got back to our flat, I went straight upstairs and the boys left me alone, knowing I wasn’t in a talking mood.

I opened my door to find Hannah inside, cooking food while my laptop was propped open on a video chat to someone.

I closed the door and she looked over and gave me a smile, and I returned it with a small one of my own.

“Alright, talk to you later Curtis, glad your feeling better!” she said before blowing the screen a kiss and closing it. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealously when she blew that kiss but I figured it was just from my shitty day as I knew they were just friends.

“How was your day?” She asked me with a smile as she began chopping vegetables for a salad.

“Not very good actually.” I replied, flopping on the couch

‘Oh no, why not?” she questioned

“Just a load of stuff.” I told her vaguely and she left it at that, not pressing me for details.

“Curtis is feeling better!” she told me brightly, trying to change the subject onto something happier but it did the opposite. I just grunted, wanting her to ask me more about why I was upset and think less about Curtis. She didn’t comment, but continued to work on dinner before trying again.

“I’m making you a steak because I know you love them, and potatoes and a salad; i thought it’d be nice since you’ve been so tired lately. I didn’t think you’d want to eat fast food again.” She said

“Fast food would have been fine.” I told her and I watched her face drop. I felt guilty immediately, knowing I was being a jerk but I was in such a bad mood I didn’t even apologise.

“I talked to Brook today and she says her best friend since kindergarten finally asked her out last week.” She said, again trying to start some sort of conversation and when I simply grunted again, she put her knife down hard on the counter and glared at me.

“What is your problem Niall? I get that you had a shitty day, but it’s not my fault and I even tried to make it slightly better but your acting like I did something horribly wrong!” she said and I turned to face her, my frustration coming out all at once from today at her.

“What’s my problem? I had the worst day ever and I come home to my girlfriend who’s more interested in her friend back home than me!” I say to her

“My friend back home? Excuse me for being concerned for my best friend who’s been in a car accident!” she said, her voice rising in anger.

“Oh please; he’s fine! You talked to the doctor yourself!” i yelled back

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