Be My Girl

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For the next week, Niall and I hung out every single night. On Tuesday, we went to a drive in movie and ate junk food, on Wednesday, we went back to the hotel he was staying at and hung out with the rest of the guys from the band who actually remembered me. Thursday consisted of having a sit down dinner, then walking on the beach beside, but Friday was my favourite for sure.

I’d had a long day at school, and had literally just closed my front door when there was a knock. I opened it to find Niall leaning against the wall beside the door smiling at me.

“What are you up to?” he asked casually

“Well, I just got home from a crappy day where I had two tests and a big assignment due, plus, my friends ate my lunch on me!” I told him unhappily

He gave me a ‘poor you’ look. “Would going somewhere fun make it better?” he asked

I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Going anywhere with him would make today better.

He told me to grab a coat so I did as he instructed, and then jumped in his now familiar car. Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up outside a fitness centre type place. Confused, I got out of the car and walked with Niall up the walkway to the front doors.

“Um, Niall, not that I’m not for exercise every now and again, but I’ve never gone on a date to do so.” I told him

He just smiled and shook his head before getting the door for me. The lights were on, but nobody else was there which I thought was strange as places like this are usually really busy on Friday afternoons.

“I booked it for us today.” He told me casually when I asked him about it.

“The entire building Niall?” I asked gob smacked, I mean this place was huge! I looked around myself and saw two gyms, a swimming pool, an ice rink, a field, a batting cage and a bunch of other places too.

He nodded before taking my hand and leading me to one of the fields. Once we got onto it, I realized that the nets were set up for soccer and tried to hide my grin.

“Have you ever played before?” Niall asked me picking up the soccer ball

“Yup, and if I remember correctly, the rule is no hands mister” I said cheekily as I grabbed the ball from his hands and placed it on the ground before kicking it to him.

He laughed, “That might be a rule, now I warn you, now I’m pretty good at football, so ill go easy on you” he teased.

He began kicking the ball around, and I went over to where he stood and stole the ball from him, leaving him stunned.

“I’m not too bad at soccer either.” I told him before running to the opposite net with the ball.

For the next hour we messed around, just having a good time. It was clear that Niall was much better at it than I was, but I held my own.

After deciding I was too tired to play anymore, we left the field and I made a beeline for the rink.

There were two pairs of skates in the dressing room and I grinned when I saw them.

“Thinking ahead,” I said to Niall, “I like that in a guy.”

He laughed and we joked some more while we laced up.

When we got onto the ice, I began flying around, as Niall watched me in awe. He wasn’t the most fluid skater I’d ever seen, but he wasn’t half bad either, and we skated for a good thirty minutes before he said he was tired.

Just as I was getting hungry, Niall brought me to the baseball field and sat me down at home plate where he had a picnic set up.

“So, I was thinking” he said as we dug in to the scrumptious food, “Tomorrow, the boys and I are going to a baseball game and dinner afterwards. I was wondering if you wanted to come along.”

Before I had a chance to tell him id love to, he continued.

“The thing is, though, Liam and Louis’s girlfriends both just flew in to see them, and they’re coming to the game as well. If you came, I’d obviously introduce you, and I wanted to introduce you as my girlfriend. I guess what I’m getting at is I want to introduce you as my girlfriend because I want you to be my girlfriend. I get it if you don’t want to, it’s just we’ve been spending a lot of time together and I really like you and I’ve been thinking about asking you for a couple of days, and I know we just met but-“

I cut off his rambling with a kiss. It was soft and sweet and he kissed me back gently as fireworks went off in my brain.

When I pulled away, I felt a little bit cold, as if his lips had warmed me all over, but I ignored this feeling and focused on the boy in front of me.

“I’ll take that as a yes?” he questioned smiling

I smiled back, “Yes.”

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