Was the Sex Good?

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hey guys, short chapter ahead, but i wanted to get it up =)


“You spent the night there? Ooh? Was the sex good?” Darcey asked me

It was the next day, and Niall had dropped me off at school that morning. I didn’t feel like going back to my house so I was sporting a pair of his sweatpants and a top I borrowed from Danielle. She and Eleanor were leaving today, so I was being picked up after school, to say bye to them at the airport. It was now lunch and I was filling Darcey in on what happened after we left the pizza parlour.

“Darcey! Liam and Danielle were in the same room as us the whole night!” I told her

“Kinky!” she replied smiling

I hit her in the back of the head lightly as we laughed together. Just then, resident mean girls walked by us and of course they had to comment.

“Finally embracing being fat and switching to sweats I see?” the meanest of them all said

“Fuck off Taylor.” Darcey growled, but I ignored her. I was used to her throwing rude comments at me.

“Ignore her, let’s go find the guys.” I said, leading Darcey to the gym

“I don’t know how you don’t snap at her, she’s awful.” Darcey stated and I shrugged; other people’s opinions never really mattered to me. “You should have told her who your boyfriend is, that’s shut her up.”

“No, I want my life to still be normal and telling everyone I’m dating a celebrity won’t help that.” I replied.

A few hours later, I was getting my things from my locker and headed outside. Most the kids were standing around waiting for their busses, but the popular boys aka the hockey team, were all gawking at two cars parked in the lot.

We weren’t poor school, but these cars still stood out as they were new and shiny and foreign. I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. As I approached, a door opened, and Eleanor got out, waving me forward so I knew which car to go to without blowing the guy’s cover.

The boys all watched in envy as I got in the car and saw that Louis was driving and Niall was in the front seat.

“Hey babe, how was school?” Niall asked

“Same old, same old.” I replied, “What time does your flight leave?”

“Not for a few hours, so were going to get them some snacks because it’s a long flight.” Louis said before pulling out of the parking lot, kids still watching.

Twenty minutes and a lot of bad car singing later, we pulled to a stop. I got out and laughed at what was in front of me.

“What, you don’t like this place?” Harry asked, getting out of the car that had followed us

“No, this place is great” I chuckled as the boys all put up their hoods and put on sunglasses.

We walked into the store and I immediately heard the usual, “Hey Hannah!”s.

Everyone looked at me strangely and I laughed.

“My parents own this store.” I explained and their jaws al dropped

We were in a candy and ice cream store; candy lined the walls in tubes and every type of ice cream or gelato you could think of was set out before us. There was chocolate and popcorn and cotton candy and caramel and sour candy and sweet candy and skittles and m&ms.

“You own this place?” Zayn asked shocked “How do you not weigh 500 pounds?”

“You get sick of it after a while.” I explained and everyone replied they could never get sick of this. “Go ahead then, pick whatever you like, on the house.” I informed them and the Louis and Harry squealed like little girls.

“I didn’t know this was the place!” Niall said. I’d told him my family owned a business but not what business

“I didn’t want you to use me for my connections.” I joked and he laughed

We wandered around for a while, everyone picking what they wanted and left the store. I was pretty sure Danielle and Eleanor would never eat the amount of candy that they’d received, but I was sure the boys would help them finfish it all off. They’d all tried to pay, but I told the girl working not to let them.

“Thanks again Hannah!” Danielle said as she hugged me before going over to Liam and giving him a long kiss before her and Eleanor boarded their flight.

I turned around sadly and Niall looked at me concerned, “What’s wrong babe?” he asked

“It’s just that you guys are leaving, tomorrow! I’m going to miss you so much!” I replied getting teary; stupid tears! Go away!

Niall hugged me, “But only for a month, and then were back!” he said into my hair.

I looked at him and smiled. I stood on my tiptoes to give him a nice long kiss before we turned around to see a sad looking Louis and Liam.

“Hey you guys, I have a great idea for your last night here!” I told them trying to lighten the mood

“What would that be?” Harry asked

“Well, you’ve never seen my place before; wanna spend your last night there?” I questioned

“YAH” they all cheered and I smiled, this was going to be fun!

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