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“UNCLE SIMON!” All five boys yelled excitedly and scrambled to the stairs to get out of the pool. Simon broke into a grin and laughed at their enthusiasm.

“I see you haven’t changed,” He said light heartedly, “Hello girls.”

We all waved at him as we got out of the pool too and he was engulfed in a very wet hug by five eager boys.

“Thanks for that,” he said once they’d stepped back, his clothes now soaked, “Would you all accompany me for supper tonight? After we get some different clothes on that is.”

“YAY!” Louis cheered

“I’m Simon Cowell by the way; it’s nice to meet you. I’ve been meaning to meet you but my schedule has been very hectic.” Simon said extending a hand towards me which i took and shook nervously.

“Nice to meet you sir, I’m Hannah O’Reilly.” I said

“Oh, I know,” he said with a chuckle, “You’re all Niall talked about after they got back from their time in Canada a few months back.”

Niall blushed and took my hand as the girls cooed and the boys laughed. Niall then led me out of the gym to where Luke was standing.

“Wow, I guess you weren’t kidding when you said they needed some clothes.” Luke commented and we all grinned, “This is all I could find as the rest of your stuff is at the hotel, so just make do I guess.” He told us, tossing a bag full of clothes which we split up and went to change into.

When we met back up, Simon was dressed in a nice outfit once again, but the rest of us were in various people’s sweats. For instance, Danielle was wearing her sweater and Louis’ pants, Eleanor was in Liam’s sweater and Zayn’s pants, I was wearing Harry’s sweater and Niall’s pants, and the boys all had on each other’s stuff too.

“Well, I guess a fancy restaurant is out then,” Simon commented when he saw our attire, “But that’s not really your style, is it boys?”

They just grinned and we piled into two waiting cars before heading to, of course, Nandos.


“Whoa!” Zayn cried as Harry shoved him out of the chair he was sitting in, and Simon gave him a stern look but Harry just grinned innocently as Zayn got up, brushed himself off and sat back down.

“Anyways, back to what we were talking about before Harry decided to act immature,” Louis said and Harry snorted, “How long are you here for Uncle Simon?”

“Tonight only, I have to get back to America right away but my company had to come here for a meeting and I knew you boys were here too so I thought I’d stop in and say hello.” Simon answered, taking a bite of his hamburger. I grinned to myself; Simon never struck me as the hamburger type of guy.

“That’s too bad,” Liam commented, “We haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I know, and that’s just how it goes sometimes I guess. But hey, how’d the tour thus far?” Simon asked and we began filling him in on the amazing time we were having and how amazing the experience had been.

“We were actually thinking of going to explore tomorrow before the show.” Harry said and Simon quickly turned to him, concern in his eyes.

“No!” he said quickly and we all gave him puzzled looks before he sighed, “We weren’t going to tell you, so as not to alarm you, but i guess you should know. Tomorrow and the rest of your time in Stockholm you are to remain either inside your hotel room and if you leave it, have Luke and Paul with you at all times; even if you’re just going round the corner, understand?”

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