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“Hey, things could be worse! I mean we have couches and each other.” Louis said trying to brighten the mood

“Ya and they’ll realise sooner or later that were not with them so they’ll come back; right?” I asked and Louis nodded energetically.

“So, what shall we do while we wait?” Louis asked excitedly, “We never get to hang out just the two of us!”

“Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling us we should.” I joked and Louis laughed, “Louis, is it just me or is it cold in here?”

“I’m alright actually, but it is chilly. I guess they turned on the AC when everyone left?” Louis suggested

“And the vents right there; great.” I sighed

“Here, have my sweater.” Louis said

“No, then you’ll get cold.” I protested but he took off his sweater to reveal another sweater.

“I always come prepared!” he said and I grinned

“That you do Tomlinson; that you do.”


*Niall’s POV*

“How long does it take to get tea?” I questioned, waiting for Hannah and Louis to get back.

“They’ll be back soon Niall, stop worrying.” Harry told me, “I’m off to bed, see you all in the morning.”

As soon as he talked about sleep, I remembered how knackered I was.

“NIALL! WAKE UP!” I was raised from my peaceful dream when someone yelled this at me

“Eleanor?” I questioned

“Niall, they’re not back yet and it’s been like, six hours!” She said

“Who’s not back yet?” I asked stupidly, still half asleep.

“Louis and Hannah!” she said and I immediately jumped up. They weren’t back yet? What the hell happened to them? Why did I fall asleep?

“I’ll call Paul, go wake everyone else; we need to go look for them right away.” I told her and I pulled out my phone. My entire stomach was in knots. What if something happened to her and I was asleep? I’d never forgive myself.


*Hannah’s POV*

“Never!?” Louis asked in amazement

“Never.” I replied

“That should be a crime! Everyone should go camping!” he said completely shocked at my confession.

“Ok, your turn Louis!” I said, laughing at his still shocked face.

“Alright; but were fixing that last one!” he told me seriously, “Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.”

“What? And I thought my camping thing was bad!” I said, taking a drink of the water we’d found to show I had before.

“It was.” Louis replied with a laugh

“You need to get on that Louis!” I told him, “Umm, never have I ever cheated on anyone.”

“Good!” Louis said, not touching his drink, “Never have I ever been in love with more than one person at the same time.”

I didn’t touch my drink and instead said, “Never have I ever been in love before now.”

Louis took a drink, but raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

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