Part 1:A special day

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"Girl if you were mine I can tell you i'd never let you go, i'd be your superman, got a master plan to make you mine for sure, everything I got i'll give it all to you and I hope you know, that I LIKE IT LIKE IT, I LIKE IT LIKE IT.. "

Marcus and Martinus have just finished singing their new song "like it like it" that they wrote (specially for me), then Martinus said to the crowd:

"Thank you Oslooooo! We wrote this song for our best friend (and my girlfriend) Skylar! We love you Sky! Everyone, today is her birthday, let's make her day special! Say with me: Skylar, Skylar, Skylar,Skylar..."

It was the best day ever when suddenly, I heard someone shouting:  "Wake up, Wake upppp..."

I opened my eyes, it was my little sister Annie! Oh nooo was it all a dream? Where are my boys???

Annie told me with a big smile on her face: Happy birthday!

I thanked her and I was trying not to show her my feelings but I forgot that eyes can talk. She asked me and I could tell that she was worried:

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said nervously

"Hey, i'm maybe 7 but i'm smart and I know you very well. Were you dreaming about Marcus &Martinus?"


Annie laughed, she held my hand and said: "If you want something, you have to fight for it"

"How? You know that my parents won't let me travel to Norway" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Like I said, fight for it! Now don't be sad! Today is your birthday! Go change and try to hurry so we can eat breakfast together! With the family!" Annie said before she left my room!

I went to the kitchen and saw my parents, Annie and my cousins eating breakfast, so I sat with them! My body was there, but I wasn't! I had a lot of things on my mind:

"Like why do M&M don't visit my country??? Why all of their concerts are in Europe only?? If only I can see them! This is TORTURE."

I couldn't eat so I just opened Instagram on my phone and started to stalk them like usual (anyone like me lol?)! Every morning, I open Instagram to see if they have posted a new picture or video!

"Are you okay?" Mum asked

"Yeah why?"

"Well, you're not eating! Leave your phone now! This is time for breakfast not for social media!"

"I'm fine believe me". I answered without looking to her face because I was lying!

If they don't buy me tickets for M&M' concert in Oslo in a week, I don't know what I will do.. I'll dieee..."

"Mum don't believe her! She's not fine. She was just dreaming about Marcus and Martinus and she's upset and...." Annie wanted to continue but I stopped her:

"Shut up.."

"You shut up.."

And we started to fight!

But the one who was punished was obviously me!

"Hope you like my first part! More chapters are coming and will be longer! "

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