Part 6: The concert

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Marcus pov/

I wasn't sure if we can trust "the girl", so I asked Martinus: "Martinus, how can we trust someone we just met? Plus we are going to take her to dinner too? I'm worried"

Martinus-:"We don't have another choice! But she seems nice so why not?"

Marcus-:"What if she brought with her tomorrow some fans and some paparazzi? Our life could be ruin if someone saw us with a girl at a restaurant by ourselves!"

Martinus-:"Don't worry bro! Just focus on the show right now. Besides, if that girl didn't help us, we could have been stuck here forever and we couldn't perform for our fans".

Marcus-:"Yeah I think you are right".
I nodded even if I wasn't completely sure.

Suddenly we heard someone shouting. It was her! The girl! (It's weird to call her "the girl" but we didn't get the chance to know her name).

We heard her saying:" Hey MMers! I think I saw Marcus and Martinus in the hallway! Follow me".

As we were trying to escape, the girl winked at us and I can see that the plan worked. All of our fans did follow her.

We waited for the perfect moment, then we ran, and luckily, we arrived just on time. Our dad was waiting for us: "Where were you?"

Martinus:" Long story dad we need to prepare ourselves".

Dad-:"Ok but at least give me a phone call".

"Sorry, I said while I was trying to fix my hair. Bye dad, wish us luck".

And we went to the stage. We started singing "girls". All of our fans were singing and dancing with us. Then we sang "Together" and we could see everyone taking pictures and videos. I just love what I do so much!

Martinus pov/

The crowd was unbelievable. I was singing and dancing with passion. Dad always tells us:"Just have fun on stage" and that's what we were doing.

As I was singing the chorus, I saw "the girl". She was in the front row. She waved at me and winked. She winks a lot!

When we finished our show, Marcus said: " Thank you Oslo! You guys are unbelievable! We love you".

And of course the audience started to scream. We really enjoyed the show!

Marcus and I left but before, like I usually do at the end of every concert, I tried to touch the hands of our fans standing in the front row. I love doing that because I love seeing our fans happy.

Skylar pov/

This was the best day of my life because I helped my idols and saw them perform for the first time. I lost the track of time. I forgot that i'm lost in a country I know nothing about. All I could think about is Marcus and Martinus and the dinner they will take me to tomorrow. So I waited til they have finished their " meet and greet" and after I made sure everyone left, I went to the place where I first met them. I waited a while. I started to worry:" Were they lying? Why they didn't show up?".

I was still waiting but I didn't lose hope. Suddenly, I saw them coming. Honestly,  I was so relieved. I knew I can trust them. But the question is: do they trust me?

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