Part 15: Truth or dare?

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Skylar's pov/

Marcus started and turned the bottle. It was me against Marcus.

Skylar-:" Truth or dare?"

Marcus-:" Truth."

Skylar-:" What is your biggest fear?"

Marcus-:" To forget words while i'm performing. It's really embarrassing."

Martinus-:" And that happens all the time."

Marcus:" No it doesn't shut up."

I giggled. They are really funny and hanging out with them feels truly amazing.

We turned the bottle again. It was Marcus against Martinus.

Marcus-:" So bro, T or D?"

Martinus-:" Dare. Truth is for weak people."

Marcus-:" Really? So let me see how brave you are. I dare you to go and.. kiss Skylar!"

Martinus-:" ok! It's not a big deal to kiss your friend. A friendly kiss."

Skylar-:" But i'm not cool with that."

Of course I am! I just don't want to kiss him because I know I have feelings for Martinus and I don't know  if i'm ready for it or not. Even if it is a friendly kiss, i'm not ready.

Marcus-:" It's just a game. Nothing serious."

Martinus-:"Don't put too much pressure on her Marcus. I'm okay with any decision you make."

Oh Martinus! You always understand me and know what to say. I guess I will kiss him.

Skylar-:" Fine. I mean you are now my friend, it's not awkward".

And we kissed. That was so awkward. I am so in love with Martinus gunnarsen.

That means I'm in a huge trouble.

Martinus pov/

I don't know how to describe that kiss. It was magical. It made me happy. I don't know what I am feeling. Skylar and I? NO! First I can't be with someone I barely know. Second she is traveling to the USA soon and me to Trofors and long distance relationships are hard. Third if I ended up with her, everyone will think that we lied in the interview and that she is more than just a "close friend". Oh Marcus why did you do this?

Marcus-:" Let's get back to the game. Martinus, ask Skylar."

Skylar-:"I'll choose Truth".

I know exactly what I should ask her...

Martinus-:" Have you ever been in a relationship?"

Skylar-:" No. That's embarrassing I know."

Martinus-:" No it isn't. I haven't been in a relationship before too."

Sounds great. She is single!  Wait what am I thinking?

Marcus-:" Come on Tinus we need to go. So see you tomorrow Skylar! Be ready at 11 in the morning, you're coming with us."

She nodded.

Martinus-:" Bye Sky".

Skylar-:" Bye boys."

And we left although I didn't want to. It's cool to have her around. She is such an amazing and funny girl.

~In the car~

Martinus-:" Marcus why did you do this? This was so wrong."

Marcus-:" Bro can you talk more clearly because I do a lot of things wrong in a day."

Martinus-:" well I agree with that! I meant about the KISS!"

Marcus-:" Oh really? Someone brave told me that it's not a big deal if you kiss your friend. A friendly...

Martinus-:" Oh I know what I said."

Marcus-:" What's wrong? You are acting weird lately. You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

Martinus-:" Weird? I'm not weird. But thanks anyways. Love u bro."

Marcus-:" Bro did you see her room?"

Martinus-:" I know right. It's beautiful. Like her." And I said that last part quickly so he doesn't understand.

Marcus-:" what?"

Martinus-:" Nothing".

That was close.

I want tomorrow to come quickly so I can see her again.

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