Part 28: Surprise?

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Marcus pov/

I really hope Skylar is okay, but if she came later, that will give us some time to prepare for her the surprise.

Marcus-:" Ok everyone Skylar is coming at 12 am so everything has to be good. It's an important day for Martinus and we don't want to ruin it ok?"

A dancer-:" Where is Martinus anyways?"

Marcus-:" He's preparing himself. And I have to go I still need to grab some stuff."

I bought some romantic roses, balloons, chocolate and the dancers helped me to decorate the studio. We prepared everything so i'm pretty sure our plan is going to be perfect!

After a couple of minutes Martinus came. He looked very handsome in his suit! Not a surprise though because I have chosen the suit.

Marcus-:" Since when my brother is handsome?"

Martinus-:" Silly you! You're my twin so if i'm ugly then you are too."

I giggled. Today is Martinus' special day and I really hope everything will be more than just great.

Skylar's pov/

I wrote a note for the boys. I know when they notice that I didn't came, they will go after me:

"Open your laptop and see the video on your desktop~ Your Sky."

The taxi in which I was going to the airport came.

I got in the taxi. We drove away and I watched my life slowly starting to fade. All the memories, the moments I spent with Marcus and Martinus... Everything... is just disappearing.

This is tearing me up...

We arrived to the airport. I sat on a bench and waited for my flight.

GoodBye Trofors.

GoodBye Norway.

Martinus' pov/

I couldn't wait anymore. It's only 11: 25 am but I feel like I have been waiting my whole life.

Martinus-:" Marcus I feel something bad is happening. Let's go to the house."

Marcus-:" No she'll see you in your suit and you'll ruin the surprise."

Martinus-:" Then... you go."

Marcus-:" Martinus stop it. She told you she'll come at 12 am and it's only 11: 25."

Martinus-:" Please?"

Marcus-:"Uhh... Fine."

A couple of minutes later, I got a message from him.


I knew something was wrong. But I have to keep it cool, maybe she's on her way here?

I have no idea!

I took the first cab I saw. I didn't care about the surprise, I could only think about her. What if she was hurt? I shouldn't leave her alone in the house!

I ran as fast as I could. I entered her room. Marcus was sitting on her bed, in his hands there was a note, next to him our laptop, and he was sobbing. His eyes were really red.

Martinus-:" Mac what is happening?"

He didn't answer. I shook him. He still didn't answer.

Martinus-:" Give me that note."

"Open your laptop and see the video on your desktop~ Your Sky."


Marcus-:" I think... you should see... this video."

I took the laptop. I opened the video and sat next to Marcus. He held my hand really tight.

I'm not excited to see what there is in this video. I know it's something bad! Really bad!

The video started. It was Skylar...

This is short because I want Skylar's video to be in a separated part!

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