Part 25: How our life is going

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Skylar's pov/

The days I spent with the boys were the best. I went on tour with them, I  have even been on stage for the first time in my life. But I still think something is missing but I don't know what it is.

Nothing happened between Martinus and I and I started to lose hope. Should I tell him that I like him? No he should do that! He's the boy! Plus i'm not that brave!

Jenna is so nice. She helps me with the choreography and she never yells at me when I make mistakes. I guess I was wrong about her.

I haven't been talking with my family like I used to because i'm always practising or on tour and that breaks my heart.

I talked with Riley last week. School is going really well and she wished I was there.

Kjell Erik and Gerd Anne are really kind. They consider me their daughter! And Emma, what can I say about this cute girl? Every time I see her I remember Annie, my sister whom I miss so much.

Marcus' pov/

Our concerts have been very successful. Over 50.000 persons come to see us at every concert. A lot of recording studios want to sign a contract with us. Our career is going so well.

I feel bad for Martinus. He clearly doesn't know how he feels. I told him several times that he needs to talk with Skylar but I can see he is too afraid to do that. He thinks she'll reject him. But come on, it's very obvious that she likes him. I see how they look at each other.

But i am going to stay out of this. It's not my life and not my decision.

Martinus pov/

I'm having a hard time. Do you know the feeling when you see your crush everyday and you can do nothing about it? When you see her, so close to you, but you can't ask her out because you're afraid? Afraid to be rejected, to hurt your fans, to hurt even Marcus because if something went wrong with your fame, he'll be broken.

Who am I going to choose? My fame or the girl I love the most? Will I follow my heart or my brain? This is the hardest decision I have ever made.

After several nights of "nonsleeping", I finally made my decision.

I will choose Skylar. MMers should accept this. I'm sure they want us to be happy. And I know i'll find happiness with Skylar.

Now the question is how am I going to ask her?! That could take some time. I need to ask Marcus. He was in his room so I just sent him a message on Whatsapp.

Martinus🍌-:" Mac I need your help. Come to my room."

Marcus🍍-:" I'm too lazy to come. What do you want?"

Martinus🍌-:" I want to ask Skylar out."

Marcus🍍-:" Finally. So how will you do it?"

Martinus🍌-:" I don't know I need your help. I want it to be romantic. And I want it to be related to Dance."

Marcus🍍-:" i'll think about something. Now bye I want to sleep."

Before I slept, I had texted Skylar.

Martinus🍌-:" Just wanted to tell you good night before you sleep. Miss you."

Skylar🌼-:" Good night to you too! But seriously you miss me? I'm downstairs! And we see each other everyday."

Martinus🍌-:" That's not enough. I still  miss you. Can't I miss my best friend?"

Skylar🌼-:" I guess. Bye!"

Martinus🍌-:" Bye Sky😊".

I couldn't be in a better mood! My princess will be mine very soon.

Skylar's pov/

I was thinking about my friends from the USA. I miss them. I wish I can see them. I'm afraid to say it but I really miss my old life. Fame is not my thing. I'm confused, so confused!

Suddenly I got a message from Martinus. He misses me? Isn't he the cutest? He is my source of happiness but also sadness because i'm happy when he's around but also sad because he'll never be mine.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I was only thinking about I need to do, to feel comfortable again. I was crying so hard. I wish my mum is here to make me feel better. But she isn't. SHE IS OVER 7000 KM AWAY!

If only I know what to do.

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