Part 11: Who did this?

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Marcus pov/

I arrived at the football training when I noticed that I forgot my training clothes. Oh great! I lost my mind because of that Skylar girl. I can hear whispers around me. All of them are talking about Martinus and I, and SKYLARRRR!

I returned at the hotel and that's when I saw her. Really Martinus? You invited her after all the damage she had caused.

"Well look who's here".

They both turned and seemed annoyed to see me, not that I care.

Skylar's pov/

I can't stand seing them. I can't believe I was a fan! So when I saw Marcus I said:

Skylar-:" Look, I will get out of your life soon. I'm moving back to the USA in a couple weeks. How do you feel about losing a fan?"

Marcus-:" Well because of you we lost hundreds of fans".

Martinus-:" Marcus shut up".

Marcus-:" Really bro? You're on her side. SHE POSTED THE PICTURE".

Skylar-:" For the last time I didn't..."

Unknown-:" I did it".

The three of us turned to see who was that. I can't believe what I just saw. It was... it was... Annie.

Annie-:" Stop fighting. I did it. I was watching you and I waited for the perfect moment and took the picture then UPLOADED it. I'm an awful girl".

Skylar-:" Annie you ruined my life, my chance to be happy. What I have ever done to you??" I said in tears.

Annie (and she was crying really hard): it's always about you! You're the best in the family, the one whom my dad always tells me to be like her when I grow up, the one whose desires are orders. But I'm the little girl. When I saw you with Marcus and Martinus I got really mad. Everything you ever wished for came true. And i'm tired of that. I'm sorry I feel really bad. I wasn't supportive like you. You were always so nice to me but I... rewarded... that.."

And she cried harder and harder. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Is this how she was feeling all her life?

Skylar-:" Annie you're tearing my heart. Stop crying. So this is why you have been acting strange lately. What you did was wrong. You wanted to revenge I can see but the boys have nothing to do with it. It's between you and me they shouldn't be involved. Don't worry Annie I forgive you."

And I hugged her. It's cool to have my sister back, even though she hurt me. Even worse, she hurt the persons I care about the most.

I guess I have to apologize for Marcus and Martinus.

Skylar-:" It looks like I owe you an apology. You won't see my face again I promise. Come on Annie."

Marcus pov/

After hearing all this, I felt bad. Really bad. I looked at Martinus and he was sad. What did you do Marcus?

Skylar-:" It looks like I owe you an apology. You won't see my face again I promise. Come on Annie."

And she was about to leave but I stopped her:

Marcus-:" Wait Skylar. What I did was wrong and I feel terrible. I know what your sister has done is wrong but I forgive her."

Martinus-:" Skylar please forgive us. We were some jerks. You told us you didn't do it but we didn't believe it. Please?"

Skylar-:" Too late boys."

And she left. I can't believe it.

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