Part 5: Norway

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We finally arrived to Norway. It was an amazing country and I really wished I could live there forever. We went to the hotel and I started to prepare myself for the show.

My parents, Annie and I arrived to Oslo where Marcus and Martinus were having a concert. There were millions of MMers who were screaming and shouting and of course I was one of them.

But unfortunately I lost my parents because of that huge number of persons. Great! Now i'm lost in a country that I know nothing about. I can't even speak norwegian.

Suddenly the screams got louder. Why? Because Marcus and Martinus were finally here. We all started to run after them and they were running too. The bodyguards tried to stop us but who can stop MMers?

While i'm running, I started to PANICK . Yes I was afraid, because everyone was trying to kick me to be closer to them. I have to admit it I thought I was the craziest fan ever but it turned out that everyone was crazier than me.

I decided to run away. NOT from the show of course, but to hide somewhere, and when MMers will all leave the hallway and go after them, i'll return. Maybe i'll see them after the show, I won't give up.

I tried to find my phone to call Mom and Dad but I didn't find it. Great I don't have a phone now. I'm officially lost. I checked my watch, it was 7pm, the concert will start at 8 pm so I still have time.

Right now my goal is to find someone with a phone to call my parents. I went straight to the first room I saw. I noticed people hiding.
"Excuse me, can I use your phone?"

I came closer so I saw 2 identical faces that I directly recognized.
"Omg, you are Marcussssssss and Martinusssssssss!!!" I shouted

Marcus directly covered my mouth and said:" Hshhh don't tell anyone we are here".

"Omg I can't believe it i'm a big fan" I whispered.

"Yeah thank you. But please do for us a favor and don't tell anyone we are here. We want to prepare ourselves for the concert but we can't! Don't you see that huge number of fans?"

"You should be proud of yourselves."

"Yeah we are and we love our fans, Martinus continued, but you don't know how many times they hurt us, not on purpose of course. For example, few days ago, Marcus hurt his neck and...

"Yeah I know, i'm like wikipedia for you". I giggled.

I thought too much. This is my chance to spend my day with them and prove to Annie that she is wrong, but they want me to leave. So I said:

"Look, I will help you to get out of here and to arrive safely to the stage."

"You will? How?" The boys stared at me, confused.

"I will tell everyone that I saw you in the hallway, so everyone will absolutely go to the hallway to see you. At this time, you leave directly and prepare yourselves. What do you think?"

Martinus said:" Smart girl".

I blushed:" Thanks but... one more thing. I'll help you if you take me to dinner tomorrow. And I promise I won't tell anyone."

Marcus said: " Are you serious?"


"Fine! If this will solve our problem, tomorrow we will take you to dinner. Is that okay?"


And I went to do what we agreed about when suddenly I remembered: "Hey how I will contact you?"

Martinus said:" Just meet us after the show here."


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