Part 9: Cool meeting

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Skylar's pov/

I really can't believe that I just got invited to the gunnarsen's house. This is huge! I want to scream and to tell all my friends but I can't. I know that the boys trust me now and I won't ruin that, but guess who will ruin that? Annie!

I can't believe she's invited too. She will make fun of me, show embarrassing pictures of me and will do anything to ruin my life.

I remember when it was my 15th birthday. She was very supportive.


Annie-:" If you want something, you have to fight for it."

Skylar-:" how? You know that my parents won't let me travel to Norway!"

Annie-:" Like I said, fight for it. Now don't be sad. Today is your day..."

~End of flashback~

What happened to her? Something is going on I can tell and I have to know.

~ Next day~

I woke up and checked my phone. Someone had added me to a group on Whatsapp.

Marcus🍍: " Hey Skylar, it's Marcus".

Martinus🍌:" Good morning. The guy with the beautiful handwriting is here."

So I decided to reply definitely:

Skylar🌼: " Oh hi Marcus, and good morning to you too Martinus."

Marcus🍍:" So Skylar, our hotel isn't far. You can easily know the adress. "

And he sent me an adress in Norwegian that I didn't understand. I went to my father and showed him the address.

Dad-:" Oh that hotel is so close to ours."

Skylar-:" Good. Take me there!"
And I told him that I got invited to their house and he seemed happy.

I entered Annie's room. She directly accepted to go and play with Emma.

Annie-:" Omg I got invited to a play day with Emma gunnarsen."

Skylar-:" Yeah Yeah just try not to embarrass me okay. And keep it a secret. The boys don't want anyone to know that they got a new friend, specially because i'm a girl. Everyone will post rumors so they may lose fans. And the worst thing is that i'll lose their trust and I don't want that."

She nodded. To be honest, I'm not so relieved.

I texted them:

Skylar🌼: I'm on my way

Martinus🍌: Okay. Did you bring Annie with you? Emma is excited because she doesn't have a lot of friends here in Oslo!

Skylar🌼: oh yeah she's super happy. Thank you so much for everything boys.

~Skip to the hotel~

When we arrived, dad left and Annie and I entered the hotel. Marcus told me that they are in room 9, so we took the elevator. Marcus and Martinus were at the door waiting for us.

Marcus-:" Hi Skylar! I guess this is your sister Annie. She's cute."

Martinus-:" Yeah just like her sister."

What was that? I directly hid my face because I was blushing.

Marcus-:" Are you going to stay at the door? Come in. Emmaaaaaa, your friend is here."

I can see her running with excitement. Annie was excited too. I'm happy for my sister.

Martinus-:" So what are we going to do today? Skylar you choose".

I couldn't speak. I was extremely nervous to ruin my chance to be friends with them. So I said like an idiot: ""

Marcus-:" Uhm...what...was...uhm...that.."

He's laughing at me I can see. In fact he should. I'm an idiot.

Martinus-:" Skylar is everything's good?"

Skylar-:" Yes. I'm just really nervous, you know. I can't believe I'm sitting with Norway's biggest pop stars and... i'm afraid to ruin my chance of being friends with you."

Martinus-:" Is that it? Don't worry you earned our trust."

And he put his arms around me. Omg I don't want to let that go. Martinus has always been my crush. But him and me? Never in a million years.

Our day was really fine. We played board games, and I won, then we played fifa, but I lost. Then we ate lunch together and it was just PERFECT.

Suddenly we heard someone screaming. What was that?

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