Part 27: Last weekend

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Skylar's pov/

2 days til I leave the boys. Today it's the weekend so we don't need to practise. Saturday and Sunday are our only days off.  So I really want to enjoy my time with them, while it lasts...

I went to the kitchen. The gunnarsen's were still having breakfast so I joined them.

Martinus-:" The princess finally decided to eat."

I blushed like usual. Why do I have to be so shy?

Skylar-:" What will we do today? It's the weekend. I want it to be special."

Marcus-:" You choose. But I have an idea!"

Martinus-:" That can't be good."

Marcus-:" Vann land."

Skylar-:" Translation please."

Martinus-:" Wow good idea! Skylar that means "waterland". It's a really cool place, there is a pool and many water games. It's amazing and so much fun. Dad can you take us there, please?"

Kjell-Erik-:" Sure. You deserve the rest kids. You have been working really hard this week."

So we went to "waterland". I have to admit it was really an awesome place! There were slides everywhere and lots of games.

But why does everything have to remind me of the USA? When I saw this place, I remembered when our friends and I used to play waterfights all the time in my garden.

But I promised myself that I need to have fun with Marcus and Martinus today, and I won't break my promise.

Skylar-:" Wow this is the b..."

I couldn't continue my sentence, Martinus immediately pushed me into the water.

Skylar-:" I will revenge Martinus gunnarsen."

I took his hand and pulled it closer to me so he fell in the pool and we were both laughing so hard.

Marcus-:" You too are silly. Don't you dare touching m..."

Martinus and I directly interrupted him and pushed him into the water.

What a day...!

Then we tried the slides and we ate tons of ice cream, all flavors. Emma was playing with us too.

The fact that I'll leave them soon is killing me.

Martinus pov/

We returned to the house. That was probably the best Saturday ever!

And I can't believe it: only one day and Skylar will be mine.

On sunday, Mac, Sky and I went to have dinner.

I don't know why, but I think Skylar isn't feeling okay these days. But I know what I am going to do on monday will make her feel better... hopefully.

Marcus-:" Do you remember the restaurant where we first met?"

Skylar-:" Like it was yesterday. You were afraid of me and you were wearing customes."

Marcus-:" You know what, if we weren't in trouble that day, we wouldn't meet Skylar."

Martinus-:" And Sky if you weren't brave enough and didn't ask us to take you to dinner, we wouldn't even know you."

Marcus-:" And now look! We became so close! I'm glad that we'll be together forever."

Martinus-:" Yea together forever."

And we hugged. Sky didn't say anything. She was just crying! Seriously what's going on?

Skylar's pov/

When I heard all of this, I couldn't help myself. I cried my eyes out.

Marcus-:" And now look! We became so close! I'm glad that we'll be together forever."

Martinus-:" Yea together forever."

Together forever? Nooo it's together for only one day.

I'm sorry...

Martinus-:" Skylar why are you crying?"

Skylar-:" Uhh nothing... these are tears of happiness. I love you guys."

Marcus-:" Aww how cute! Don't worry we will never leave you."

But guess who will? Me!

I really wanted to go home. I need to pack my stuff and to record the goodbye video for the the boys, because of course I'm not able to do it face to face.

My flight is tomorrow at 12 am so I need to be at the airport at 11 am.The gunnarsens will go to their studio at 10 am, so I'll escape when they are gone.

When we returned, I went to my room. After I made sure everyone is asleep, I packed my stuff in tears. I turned on their laptop and recorded the video. When I finished, I shut it down and slept.


So I guess this is it! I'm leaving!

When I woke up, it was 10 am. The boys were awake so they came to my room.

Skylar-:" Boys I can't go right now to the studio. I'm a little sick. I'll just take a medicine and go at around 12 am is that okay?"

Martinus-:" As long as you're going, we're good. Feel better."

And he kissed me on my forehead.
Before they left, I had stopped them.

Skylar-:" Marcus, Martinus, can I hug you?"

Marcus-:" We do that all the time but ok."

And they jumped onto my bed, I hugged them for the very LAST time.

Marcus-:" Ok bye we are going to prepare ourselves. Don't be late we're waiting for you."

Skylar-:" I won't."

This is it!I won't see them again.

Bye Marcus and Martinus...

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