Part 20: Are you okay?

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Martinus pov/

Marcus and I still can't believe that Skylar is with us in Trofors.

We entered our house. Luckily, it's so big so everyone will feel comfortable. Emma will share her room with Annie and Skylar will have her own room right next to ours. Her parents refused to stay in our house. They thought it will be better for them to stay in a hotel. My parents tried to convince them but they didn't accept. But they let Skylar and Annie live with us.

We started to unpack. Skylar told us that our house is so beautiful and that she is super excited, as well as me.

Marcus-:" Hey while unpacking, let's play a game!"

Skylar and I together-:" NOT TRUTH OR DARE."

We laughed, after what happened, I think her and I will never EVER play T or D anymore.

Marcus:" Fine fine. How about, the language game?".

Skylar-:" And what's that?"

I explained to Sky that it's a game where we teach each others new languages.

Skylar-:" Hey I barely speak English. Besides i'm on a vacation I don't want to learn anything."

Marcus-:" Come on it will be fun."

She shook her head. I guess she agreed.

Skylar-:" I'll start. Bonjour je m'appelle Skylar. J'aime beaucoup mes amis Marcus et Martinus et j'adore leur soeur Emma. Elle est vraiment adorable et mignone. J'aime aussi danser et chanter."

I was staring at her while talking. She is just PERFECT.

Marcus-:" I didn't know you speak French fluently. Anyway I didn't understand a word."

Skylar-:" So I win!"

Martinus-:" We'll see about that. You can't beat us in Norwegian it's our first language. Hei, hva heter du? Jeg er Martinus. Hvordan har du det? Jeg elsker å synge. Jeg gjør det med Marcus, min bror. Og..."

Skylar-:" Stop it my head hurts. Ok you won."

Marcus-:" High five bro. "

Skylar-:" I don't want to play anymore."

Marcus-:" Why because you are lost? Burneddd"

Skylar-:" Really Mac? I speak Spanish fluently too so do you want to continue the game? We'll see who will get burned first."

Marcus-:" I'm on it."

Martinus-:" You guys are hilarious. Do you want to go out and maybe we can have lunch together? Skylar can discover Trofors more."

Skylar-:" Sure".

Marcus-:" i'm tired of traveling I want to stay home."

Martinus-:" Ok bye Mac."

Skylar-:" Bye".

We went outside. Skylar was fascinated by the beauty of Trofors.

Skylar-:" Can we go to this restaurant? It looks delicious. Pleaseeee. It sells chinese food and I have never tried those."

Martinus-:" Of course."

I didn't want to. I have an allergy against his food. I remembered when I ate there last year, I spent the whole day in the bathroom.

Martinus-:" But you know what, there is a taco truck next street. The food there is amazing!"

Skylar-:" Nope, I really need to try Chinese food! Plus I don't like tacos!"

I can't say no to her she seemed so excited. I won't let my stupid allergy ruin her excitement.

And we entered. I translated for Skylar every single word written on the menu because she is really bad at norwegian. We ordered then we ate together. It felt good to be with her alone. It's like we were on a date. Every day I fall in love with her more and more. No one knows about this. Not even Marcus. Suddenly I felt something weird in my stomach. Oh no not again.

Martinus-:" Excuse me but I have to go to the toilet."

And I ran. My stomach really hurts. I feel like I want to throw up everything I have just eaten.

Skylar's pov/

I was really enjoying this date which I know it wasn't a date, it was just in my imagination.  But I could feel Martinus hurting, and I had no idea why.

Martinus-:" Excuse me but I have to go to the toilet."

And he ran.

Skylar-:" Are you okay?"

But he didn't hear me. I'm worried about him. I think I need to text Marcus.

Skylar🌼-:" Marcus come quickly to the restaurant next street. I think Martinus is sick."

Marcus🍍-:" You are in that restaurant? Oh no Martinus has an allergy he can't eat Chinese food."

He has an allergy? Why he didn't tell me? I went to the toilet and I ignored the fact that it's for men only. He was throwing up. What should i do?

Skylar🌼-:" Marcus he is throwing up."

Marcus🍍-:" I'm running as fast as I can. Don't leave him okay? Dad is coming with me."

Skylar🌼-:" Please hurry i'm scared."

Martinus is still throwing up. He was feeling dizzy.

Skylar-:" Babe please talk to me."

Martinus-:" Skylar...uhm... why am I seeing double?"

And he was about to fall on the floor but I could catch him and hug him.

Skylar-:" Babe please.... Marcus is on his way..."

But I could feel that he couldn't hear me.

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