Part 17: She is mean

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I was really embarrassed! I have never danced in front of anyone before.

Skylar-:" Uhm... how long have you been standing there?".

Marcus-:"Long enough to know that you are really good."

Skylar-:" Why thank you."

Marcus-:" Hey let's have lunch with all of our dancers."

Martinus-:" That's my brother, he always thinks of his tummy."

Marcus-:" Hey food is life."

The three of us laughed. I love these guys.

~Skip to lunch~

We entered the restaurant. I sat next to Marcus while Martinus sat next to... Jenna.

I can see how he looks at her. Calm down Sky! Calm down!

Martinus-:" What do you guys want to eat?"

All of the dancers ordered pizza except for.. well you know who..Jenna.

Jenna-:" I'll eat what Martinus wants to eat."

Martinus-:" I want burgers."

Jenna-:" Burgers it is."

Martinus-:" But I thought you don't like burgers'"

Jenna-:" Me? You must be mistaken."

This girl isn't fooling anyone, well maybe Martinus...

Marcus-:" What do you want to eat Sky? Sky? Sky? Earth to Skylar!"

I wasn't there. I was only thing about Jenna and Martinus. I was sad. Will Jartinus ever exist? Hopefully not.

Suddenly I felt that someone was shaking me.

Marcus-:" Skyyyy."
Skylar-:" What do you want Marcus?"
Marcus-:" Sorry did I bother you? What do you want to eat?"
Skylar-:" uh... I'll have nuggets."
Marcus-:" Me too. Hey is everything alright?"
Skylar-:" Yea i'm just happy to be with you."

I love Marcus. He cares about me and he is cute. But there is something about Martinus that always attracts me.

After we ate, everyone left except for Mac, Tinus, me and of course... Jenna.

Martinus-:" Hey Jenna did you know that Skylar is a dancer? She is as good as you."

Jenna-:" As good as me? Why don't you show us something?"

Skylar-:" No thanks i'm good."

Jenna-:" Uhm someone is scared?"

Marcus-:" No she's not shut u..."

Skylar-:" MARCUS! I can handle things by myself thanks. Look I have nothing to prove to you, I know i'm good and that's all that matters ok? "

Marcus-:" Yea you heard her mean girl. Tinus say something."

Jenna-:" Mean girl? Really? Hey Marcus why are you on her side? You barely know her. She just wants to be friends with Norway's biggest pop stars she doesn't love you. And of course she is the one who uploaded the picture."

Really she is still thinking about the picture?

Marcus-:" Well maybe I barely know her but i'm pretty sure she is better than you. Come on Sky let's go. Tinus you can stay if you want. Clearly you love her more than you love us."

Jenna-:" Sky? What is this supposed to be? A nickname?"

Martinus-:" No wait for me!"

Omg Marcus is a gentleman. I can't believe what he just did. I wish that was Martinus. He only sat there and didn't talk anything. I went and hugged Marcus: "You are the besttt Mac I love you".

Martinus still didn't say anything.
Marcus-:" Hey Tinus do you want to say something to Sky?"

Martinus-:" Actually I do. I'm sorry Sky I didn't defend you and I wasn't the friend that you deserve. I only wanted Jenna to know that you are an amazing dancer like her. You deserve to be known like her. "

Skylar-:" That's ok! I know you want the best for me ." And we hugged.

His hugs definitely give me a strange, but amazing feeling.

We all went home and we were thinking about how we'll convince my dad to take me to Trofors for the rest of the summer.

I was distracted. I can only think about him.

Martinus gunnarsen,

If only you know how much I love you.

If only you know that not a day went by I didn't think about you.

If only I was as popular as you so you can at least look at me.

But the destiny doesn't want us together... I guess...

And in my eyes you're my world, but in your eyes i'm just a friend.
Hi guys, follow my Instagram fanpage of Marcus and Martinus: marcusandmartinusleb 💓

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