Part 24: i'm with you bro

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The song is about a boy who is dying to spend one more second with the girl he loves, and that's me currently. I want to spend every second with her. I even want to spend all my life with her.

I taught her the choreography and she directly repeated every single move.

Martinus-:" You should be the teacher, not me."

Skylar-:" Hahaha i'm not that good."

Martinus-:" Yes you are you're amazing."

Skylar-:" Well that's because I have the best teacher in the entire world."

Martinus-:" Someone better than me? What!"

Skylar-:" I'm talking about you silly."

Martinus-:" Good! I was worried."

And I giggled. I think it's time to ask her out.

Martinus-:" Skylar do you want to..."

Marcus-:" Hey what are you doing?"

Really Marcus why did you enter?

Skylar-:" Nothing! Martinus wanted to say something. Continue Tinus."

Martinus-:" Uhh.. nevermind."

Marcus-:" We don't have time. Come quickly and let's rehearse."

While rehearsing, it was very obvious that I wasn't concentrating. Every time I sing, I look at Skylar. She is so beautiful while dancing so I forget the words. I can see that Marcus was really mad.

Marcus-:" STOP! Let's take five minutes break. Martinus come with me we need to talk."

Ok i'm in trouble. Marcus is so serious when it comes to work.

Marcus-:" Can you please tell me what's going on? You have been acting strange lately, you have been forgetting words. And when I ask you what's happening, you just lie or you try to avoid my question. You have 1 minute to tell me what is wrong with you!"

Martinus-:" Marcus...I..i'm in trouble and you need to help me."

Marcus-:" What?"

Martinus-:" First you need to promise me not to yell."

Marcus-:" I promise."

Martinus-:" I'm in love..."

He was looking at me with curious eyes.

Marcus-:" With me?".

Martinus-:"...with Skylar."

I looked at him. He didn't say anything . He was only staring at me.

But later he decided to finally talk, and to my surprise, he seemed pretty happy and excited.

Marcus-:" I knew it! I knew it! Why did you hide the truth all this time?"

Martinus-:" I don't know I was afraid of your reaction. You will probably tell me to forget about her because of what happened when we first met."

Marcus-:" Bro I won't! Skylar is an amazing person and you deserve her and she deserves you too. But still if people knew about her, they will think we lied in the interview."

Martinus-:" Marcus listen! I can't control my feelings. And also we won't stay single forever. It will happen sooner or later."

He nodded.

Marcus-:" When are you going to tell her?"

Martinus-:" I don't know. But not at the moment."

Marcus-:" And do you promise me to concentrate on your work from now on? She's all yours so focus."

Martinus-:" I promise."

And he was about to leave when I stopped him.

Martinus-:" Mac do you know that I have the best brother in the world?"

Marcus-:" Yea I know i'm the best!"

We returned to our practise room and for the first time ever, we saw Sky and Jenna talking.

That can't be good.

Skylar and Jenna-:" Oh hey boys".

Twins-:" Hey."

Marcus-:" What are you talking about?"

Jenna-:" Girls talk!"

Skylar-:" Hahaha nothing important."

Jenna and Skylar are talking? That can't be real! But I couldn't be happier! I know that deep down, Jenna is nice.

Jenna's pov/

I decided to talk with Skylar and to know her better. I know I may look rude but actually i'm not. Plus she is the new dancer so we'll see each other a lot. I need to make sure everything is fine and I want to avoid any awkward situation!

We talked about ourselves, family, hobbies... it turns out we are so similar! She's so nice! I guess I was rude because I know Martinus likes her it's pretty obvious. But I like him too! But anyways I need to apologize to her!

Jenna-:" I'm sorry for everything I did!"

She directly forgave me. She's the cutest and if she and Martinus ended up together, i'll be happy for him because I know how nice she is.

I don't know why I made Jenna a good girl but I read a lot of fanfictions and there is always a mean girl who tries to hurt the main girl so I wanted to change that a little.

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