Part 14: The interview

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Skylar's pov/

I have to say i was super nervous because today is the day when Marcus and Martinus have the interview. I hope everything goes well. I really do!

They will be live on TV at 10 am. So I just turned on the TV and waited. I can hear my heart beating fast.

I checked my phone. I had a message from Martinus that I didn't see til now.

Martinus🍌: Don't worry everything will be fine💝

He knew I was worried. My eyes focused on that heart emoji he had sent. I wish he loves me back.

The interview began. The boys were sitting next to Amy Jones, the one who will ask questions. She first asked them about their career, tour, plans and their new song "First kiss". Then, she asked them about me...

Amy-:" So, everyone saw the photo " Bravo Magazine" had posted. Anything serious boys?"

Marcus-:" No, that was Skylar, an old friend. We haven't seen each others in a while so we were excited to finally see her".

Martinus-:" Yes she's a part of our family. We both consider her as a sister. Emma too".

Amy-:" Ahh ok. The fans were so confused they thought you got a girlfriend."

Marcus-:" Don't worry, we are still single."

And I could hear screams from the crowd. MMers were happy because they were single. I get it! I'm a MMer and I understand. I wanted them to stay single but right now, I don't know. I'm glad everything went back to normal and that I got my friends back.

After a couple of hours I heard someone knocking on the door. Wow it was them.

Marcus pov/

I'm glad the interview went well and that our problems are solved. We decided to go and visit Skylar. We know she lives in the hotel next street so why not?

~Skip to when they arrive to the hotel~

We knocked on the door. Skylar opened and I can see she was really surprised to see us.

Skylar-:" Marcus, Martinus, what are you doing here? Uhm.. you... didn't tell  me you were... uhm.. coming."

Marcus-:" Forget about that. What are you wearing? Omg you really love us."

Skylar was wearing our "like it like it" hoodie. Her hands were full of our bracelets, all colors. She was embarrassed I don't know why.

Skylar-:" Let me go change."

Martinus-:" No please. It's cool to know that we have a fan like you."

Skylar-:" Thanks. Come in. Wait for me i'm going to grab my phone. It's in my room just one sec..."

Martinus-:" Hey can we see your room?"

Skylar-:" Yea about that i'm not sure".

Marcus-:" Why, what are you hiding?"

Skylar-:" uhm...Fine you can see my room."

And we entered her room. Our faces were everywhere. I can see why she didn't want us in her room. She was extremely embarrassed. We were on her pillow, walls, closet, bed...EVERYWHERE.

Martinus-:" Wow".

Skylar-:" You think this is "wow"? You should see my room in the USA. I just couldn't grab all my stuffs to Oslo."

The 3 of us giggled.

Marcus-:" Hey Skylar, do you want to come with us and see us practising?"

Skylar-:" Do I?"

Martinus-:" Skylar can I call you Sky?"

Skylar-:" Actually everyone calls me that except for you two hahaha."

Martinus-:" Cool so Sky be ready tomorrow at 11 am ok? Then we can go and have lunch if you want."

Skylar-:" Yea ok".

Marcus-:" Hey let's play something."

Martinus-:" Yea what about...uhm.. truth or dare?".

Skylar-:" I don't know I hate that game."

Martinus-:" Oh come on this is a chance for us to know each others better."

Skylar nodded. She agreed I guess.

I can't wait to play this game. I have a lot of things on my mind that I need to know about her.

This is going to be interesting.

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