Part 4: From worse to best

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I can't believe what I just saw. My jaw dropped... I looked at my dad who was smiling and said: "Please tell me this isn't a dream!!".

"Well it isn't. Yes honey. The Morris family is going to NORWAY!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I saw the tickets that were in my pocket and tried to figure out if this was a joke, but it wasn't. We are really going to Norway.

I couldn't breathe, I even screamed (and some neighbours came to our house because they thought something bad happen when they heard me screaming lol.)

I continued jumping, hugged my dad and mom: "you're the best parents ever".

I hugged Annie too, although we fight a lot, but I love her. I mean, she's my only sister. She has always been there for me when I needed her.

I went to text all my friends: "Guess what!??!?!?!? I'm going to Norway this summer in 2 daysss".

They were all happy for me.

I went after that to my room and started packing. I was on another level of happiness. Happiness finally found me.

I sat on my bed. A lot of things were on my mind: Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about. I'd fight for Marcus and Martinus no matter how hard the battle is. I have always believed that one day, i'll meet them. Finally , this day came.

At this moment mum came and saw me distracted: "Are you okay sweety?"

"Mum, I haven't felt like that since ages. Thank you so much." And we hugged.

After 2 days, we went to the airport and took our plane.

"How long we are staying there?" Annie asked.

"Well all summer, dad answered. We will first stay in the hotel, then we will take Skylar to the concert in Oslo, after that we will do what tourists usually do. Norway is an amazing country and I can't wait to discover it with you".

I laughed. "Why are you laughing?" Annie asked
"That's because you are going to discover the country alone. I'm going to stay with Marcus and Martinus."

"What? So funny you think that every MMer can just talk and stay with them? You'll be lucky enough if you get the chance to get an autograph"  she giggled.

I stared at her angrily. What's wrong with her? Sometimes she's very supportive so I want to kiss her, and sometimes I just want to kick her!

I didn't listen to her. I closed my eyes and started dreaming til I fell asleep.

I really love this chapter because the point of it is to give you an important message. Never stop fighting for what you want, life is full of obstacles but you're strong enough to survive! Hope you like it!

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