Part 21: The hospital

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Martinus pov/

I threw up everything I had in my stomach. I could feel Skylar standing right next to me but I couldn't see her. Everything was a blur. I started to feel really dizzy. What happened next? I don't know. I opened my eyes and saw myself sleeping in a hospital's bed.

I heard someone saying: "Mac, Skylar he is awake."

Marcus pov/

Dad and I directly went straight to the boys' toilet. Martinus was in Skylar's arms and she was crying her eyes out. My dad lifted Martinus and has driven us to the hospital. We were waiting for so long and Skylar's eyes were so puffy and red.

I guess Martinus really means a lot to her.

Skylar-:" Why didn't he tell me about his allergy? Why didn't he tell me Marcus? We could go anywhere else."

Marcus-:" I guess he saw how excited you were, specially because it's your first time in Trofors so he wanted to do what you want."

That didn't help her. She was still sobbing so I hugged her.

Marcus-:" Don't worry everything will be fine."

Suddenly we heard dad saying :"Mac, Skylar he is awake."

We ran as fast as we could and we both jumped onto his bed and hugged him.

Skylar's pov/

I was so relieved that Martinus was ok. But why did he do this?

Skylar-:" Martinus, if you had told me you are allergic to Chinese food I would totally understand and we could go anywhere else."

Martinus-:" I saw how much you were excited and happy. I didn't want to make you sad."

Skylar-:" Well you did. Martinus I can't imagine my life without you. I...I...

I wanted to tell him I love him. That I can't live without him and that he is my oxygen, my other half.

But what if he didn't love me back? That could destroy everything. I guess I should live in torture all my life.

Martinus-:" You what?".

Skylar-:"I..I.. I'm glad you're ok."

Martinus pov/

I was sad deep inside. I felt she was going to tell me she loves me. I guess I was wrong.

The question is: Will I be able to live like this forever? I need to tell her how I really feel but she clearly consider me a friend only.

And if I did and she loved me back, how are we going to stay in touch when we are thousands of miles away?

I guess this relationship won't work. But anyways, i'm happy to have her as a friend.

Marcus-:" Come on bro! Change so we can go. The doctors just told dad that you can leave. Skylar wait in the car."

Skylar-:" Ok. But hurry don't make me wait."

She left but Marcus didn't. I'm sure he was going to say something.

Marcus-:" Martinus we need to talk. I know something is going on with you and Skylar."

Martinus-:" Something like what?"

Marcus-:" Martinus you want to play that game? I'm your twin I know you. You sacrificed for her. You were in danger because of her and you made it on purpose. It's clear that you..."

Martinus-:" What? Like her? No I don't."

Marcus-:" Bro since when you lie? Martinus this is serious!"

Martinus-:" I know it is. I don't like her she is just a friend!"

I got really mad. I won't tell him how I feel. He will tell me to stay away from her because of our fame. I'm tired of that. Since when pop stars can't love? Can't feel?

I changed my clothes and got in the car.

The days we spent with Skylar were the best. Marcus and I had really fun with her. I was doing great at hiding my feelings and I got used to it. Our days together couldn't get any better.

But summer went really fast. And her school is about to start so she needs to leave Norway. I was so sad! She is leaving! I won't see her face again until maybe next summer. I won't let that happen.

I'm going to do whatever it takes so she can stay with us.

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