Part 8: Should I trust you?

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~Next day~

Martinus pov/

I woke up and saw that Marcus was still asleep. So I threw the pillow at his face, like usual.

Marcus-:" I'm awake I'm awake!"

Martinus-:" So bro, are you ready for tonight?"

Marcus-:" Actually I will be lying if I say yes. I still don't know if we can trust her. I'm super worried! I think we should tell dad."

Martinus-:" Come on Marcus. It's just one night. You love to hang out with your friends. Can't you just consider Skylar another friend? ".

He nodded but I think that he was still not okay with that idea: I know my brother. Meanwhile, I love to make new friends, so why not? Also she's a fan so she won't hurt us. Our reputation matters to her i'm sure.

Skylar's pov/

I woke up super excited. I went downstairs and saw my parents.

Mom-:" It looks like somebody is in a good mood".

Skylar-:" Yeah. So what are you going to do today? You won't stay at the hotel, will you?"

Dad-:" We are going to discover Oslo. Will you come with us?"

Skylar-:" No thanks dad, I have a dinner to prepare to. Don't forget to come at 6 pm because you are going to take me to... ( and I showed him the paper Martinus had given me) ... this restaurant.

Dad-:" Wow, awesome handwriting. Sure Sky".

I giggled:" I know right? Love you dad".

~At 6 pm~

I found the perfect dress, put some makeup on my face and went downstairs. My father was waiting for me to get ready: "When did my baby become a wonderful women?".

I thanked him. It meant a lot!

My dad asked a few people about the location of the restaurant. He knows how to speak Norwegian so it wasn't a difficult mission for him.
Few minutes later we arrived.

Dad-:" Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?".

Skylar-:" I'm fine dad."

And he left. I entered the restaurant and tried to find them. I was excited but nervous at the same time.

Marcus pov/

I think Martinus is right. I should stop being a fun killer and just have fun. But I refused not to tell my dad where we are going. Dad agreed but on one condition: " Boys, to stay safe, please put on a costume. She won't be bothered I'm sure. Because if some paparazi see you , we are in a big trouble!"

I directly accepted because I think this is a "trust quiz" for Skylar. And besides, he is our dad and he wants what's better for us. Martinus refused the idea at first but then he accepted.

We prepared ourselves and our driver took us to the restaurant. We sat down and waited for Skylar.

She wasn't late. Martinus made her a sign with his hands so she came and sat with us. She was shocked, and who can blame her?

Skylar-:" Guys I hate to be rude but what are you wearing?".

Martinus told her that we are afraid to be seen with her because fans will start to post rumors.

Skylar-:" I understand. I just want to say that don't worry. You can trust me. I will never hurt you!"

It's like she's a mind reader.

Martinus-:" So Skylar, tell us more about yourself."

Skylar-:" Well, I'm Skylar Morris, i'm 15, I'm from the USA. My dream was to meet you. On my birthday my dad surprised me and bought me tickets to your concert yesterday and I got to say it was the best day ever. I love what you do to your fans. I really want to be friends with you guys".

Marcus-:" You seem to be nice. I want to be friends too."

Martinus-:" So Skylar, do you have any brother or sister?"

Skylar :" I actually do. I have one little sister called Annie. She's 7 years old".

Martinus-:" Cool she is almost the same age as Emma. Emma is 9. She can come to our hotel if you want to play with her. Emma loves making new friends. You can come too. We are staying at the moment in an hotel here in Oslo."

Marcus-:" Yeah how about tomorrow? We feel bad because you are sitting right now with two ugly boys in ugly costumes, and not with Marcus and Martinus."

Skykar-:" I would love to. And you are perfect with and without a costume".

We both blushed. Martinus was right. She is a nice girl. I can't wait to know her better.

Martinus-:" That means a lot. You're stunning too, and smart. So see you tomorrow, this is our number. Call us. "

Skylar-:" Are you actually giving me your number? "

Marcus-:" Yeah why not? We trust you right now. Please don't give it to anyone."

Skylar-:" Don't worry I won't. And here is my number".

Then we started eating. The time went really fast. At 10 pm we left, so did she. We wanted to take her home but she said that her dad was waiting for her.

I have to say Martinus and I really had fun tonight. We can't wait for tomorrow.
First kiss is out now. It's midnight in Norway right now but where I live it's 1 am. I'm tired because I stayed all night waiting for the song. It's amazing😭

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