Part 23: Will they accept me?

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Skylar's pov/

Dreams do come true. I can't believe I am now one of  the boys' backup dancers. I can't wait to continue my life with them. Forever.

But it will be hard to not see my family everyday, to not play with Annie, to not listen to dad's jokes every morning, to not hear my mum's screaming at me to clean my room.

We went to the airport to say goodbye to my parents. I couldn't help myself I just fell in tears. Marcus and Martinus hugged me. They knew what I am going through. They understand me!

After we made sure they left, we returned to their house.

Marcus-:" Skylar if you think you're not ready for this, there is still time."

Skylar-:" No Mac I know exactly what I'm doing. My place is with you guys."

Martinus-:" Let's do something fun to make you feel better."

Marcus-:" Yeah because starting from tomorrow, we are going to practise."

We went to a really fun place where there were tons of entertaining games. I don't know its name beacuse it's in Norwegian. We played a lot and I crushed the boys in Bowling. Then we ate and spent all day together.

I really love them loads.

~ The next day~

Martinus-:" Come on Marcus you are still not dressed. Ugh..."

Skylar-:" We are going without you. Bye."

Marcus-:" No No No wait wait..."

Finally he was ready. We got in the car and went to the studio. Marcus and Martinus didn't tell the dancers that I'm joining the team. They are going to do it right now and I'm really nervous. I'm also scared of Jenna. She is mean I'm afraid she will try to hurt me. But I know I have my boys by my side and that all that matters. I won't let that Jenna girl ruin my life.

We entered the studio. Marcus was comforting me and telling me that everything will be fine. Martinus was showing me around because it's the first time I visit their studio in Trofors.

Minutes later, their dancers came and I could feel that they were surprised to see me here.

Marcus-:" Hei all, this is Skylar do you remember her? You met in Oslo."

Dancers all together-:" Oh yeah."

Martinus-:" Guys she is an amazing dancer and she will be one of us from now on. She is the new dancer whom I told you about."

After he had finished his sentence, everyone was silent. I can only hear my heart beating fast. Will they accept me?

After a couple of seconds which seemed to be an eternity, I heard them saying all together:


And they all hugged me tight. I'm in! What a relief!

Marcus-:" I told you everything will be fine."

But someone wasn't okay with the idea and you know who.

Jenna-:" How am I going to accept her as a member in our team and I have never seen her dancing? Last time when I asked her, she was scared to..."

Martinus-:" We saw her and that's enough."

Skylar-:" No she's right. She can't accept that easily. I'm going to show you what I can do. MUSIC."

Marcus hurried and put Like it Like it. Perfect. I danced with passion, I danced because I wanted to prove for her that i'm worth it, that i'm as good as her. I showed her all my good moves and I could hear Marcus and Martinus cheering for me. Everyone was enjoying my performance.

When I ended this solo, everyone applauded. I guess they really liked it liked it.

Martinus-:" So Jenna what do you think?".

Jenna-:" Yeah she's good... whatever."

Marcus-:" Isn't she as good as you or was I wrong?"

Jenna-:" Yeah maybe."

Things couldn't get any better. I'm truly happy.

Marcus-:" Skylar, who do you want to teach you the choreography?"

Mmm.. who do I choose? Marcus? Martinus? Or one of the dancers?

Skylar-:" I don't know. Maybe i'll choose for now Martinus."

Martinus pov/

I really wanted Skylar to choose me. That means I will get the chance to spend more time with her.

Skylar-:" I don't know. Maybe i'll choose for now Martinus."

Great! Couldn't be happier!

Marcus-:" Then go to our dance room and teach her, but quickly because we have a lot of things to do."

Martinus-:" I know we'll finish early. Skylar is a smart girl and she will pick up the choreography pretty fast."

I looked at her. She was blushing. Good sign!

We entered the room and I put "one more second" and we began dancing.

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