Part 30: The end

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Skylar's pov/

I looked at my watch: only 15 minutes are left til I leave this town and everyone in it. Have Marcus and Martinus seen the video? Or not yet? I was looking around me. They still didn't show up. I know I told them not to but If I mean something to them, they should go after me, right?

"All the passengers going to the USA please get in the plane. We are leaving in 10 minutes."

I guess it's really a goodbye.

Here we are now
Everything is about to change
We face tomorrow as we say goodbye to yesterday
A chapter ending but the story's only just begun
A page is turning for everyone

So I'm moving on
Letting go
Holding on to tomorrow
I've always got the memories while I'm finding out who I'm gonna be
We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go

"Skylar waitttt."

I turned around. It was them!

"What are you doing here? And Martinus what are you wearing?"

Martinus-:" This day was meant to be special for both of us. I was preparing for you a surprise. I wanted to ask you out."

Skylar-:" You did? And I ruined your day, didn't I?"

Martinus-:" No I understand why you want to leave. But why you didn't tell us?"

Skylar-:" Because it's so hard to say it face to face."

Marcus-:" Skylar please don't go!"

Skylar-:" I can't Marcus I really can't."

Marcus-:" So is it a goodbye?"

Skylar-:" I guess. Do you forgive me?"

Twins-:" We do."

And we hugged for the last time. I went straight to the plane but Martinus stopped me:

Martinus-:" Skylar Morris, I know you're leaving and we won't see each other til next year but... can you make me the happiest boy and be my girlfriend?"

I saw how all the passengers and families were looking at us, waiting for me to answer.  Seriously, how can I say no to him?

Skylar-:" Martinus gunnarsen, I would love to be your princess my prince."

I ran as fast as I could and hugged him tight. And we kissed. It was our first "serious" kiss. Everyone was clapping. I felt like i'm on top of the world, well at least my world.

Finally he's mine.

Skylar-:" Will you wait for me til I come back?"

Martinus-:" I'll wait for you til the end of the world."

I hugged Marcus and my "boyfriend" and I got in the plane.

Bye bye Trofors! Welcome back USA.

Everyone was happy to see me. All my friends congratulated me because they saw the video where Martinus asked me to be his girlfriend. It went viral and now it's all over the Internet. I expected hate from MMers though but they were actually very happy for us.

Days went really fast and my 16th birthday came.

So many adventures in that past year.

Marcus and Martinus sent me a gift from Norway. They remembered my birthday! I feel so special, I love them and miss them so much. I can't wait to meet them again.

I was blowing out my candles with my family when my mum said:

" Make a wish honey."

I closed my eyes and made a wish. And what did I wish for? Of course I wanted Marcus and Martinus to be with me in this special day.

I opened my eyes, I saw Marcus and Martinus behind all of my friends and they were smiling at me.

Actually, I know that this was all in my head but either way, I LIKE IT LIKE IT...

~The end~

Sooo what do u think?
I really enjoyed writing this story. Thank you for your comments, votes and support. You made me the happiest girl ever. Please let me know what did you think of my story. Your opinion matters a lot because I have never shown people my ideas. Ily💘

Follow my Instagram fanpage: marcusandmartinusleb

Also I have started a new story "Will you remember me". I'll really appreciate if you can check it out.

Love you loads and please comment your opinion on "If only".

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