Part 18: Please dad?

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Martinus pov/

~In Skylar's room~

Skylar was changing her clothes so we waited in her bedroom. I was looking at our pictures on the wall. I wonder how her room in the USA looks like. Suddenly I heard Marcus' voice:

Marcus-:" Martinus look." And he pointed at a notebook. "Read".

Martinus-:" Hey you aren't supposed to read her stuff."

Marcus-:" It's about us."

Martinus-:"Even if it is you shouldn't read it."

Marcus-:" Calm down there is nothing special here. She only wrote that she loves us so much, and that we are a gift from God that came and took her to another world. A much better world!"

Martinus-:" Mac we will try hard not to lose her ok? I feel like she became a part of me.. I mean a part of us."

Marcus-:" Yeah you are right. We will do whatever it takes to convince her dad and she will go to Trofors no matter what."

Martinus-:" But Marcus then what? She will go to the USA sooner or later and we won't see her again."

Marcus hugged me:" Don't worry we will think of something. But I feel that this is more than just "losing a friend" thing. Is there anything going on that I don't know about?"

Martinus-:" No."

Well I didn't lie. I don't know if I have feelings for Skylar... yet. I mean she's only a friend right? I'm confused.

Skylar finally came. She was wearing white leggings with a nice crop top and her hair was in a ponytail.

She is perfect!

Skylar-:" Ok guys, focus! How are we going to convince dad?"

Marcus-:" I have an idea. Martinus you distract her mum, Skylar you distract your dad, we will get Emma to play with Annie all day, then I will go and buy some decoration. No one will notice I am gone. Then I will prepare the hallway, I will buy some junk foods and whatever your father likes, then after like 3 hours, you tell the adults to come to the hallway. (Then he took a deep breath). Ahh i'm tired of talking! Ok back to the story. They will be surprised because of the food and gifts i'm going to buy so they won't say no! What do you think?"

Skylar and I looked at each other for about 10 sec, then we couldn't take anymore. We both laughed.

Marcus-:" What's so funny?"

Martinus-:" Bro you are an............................... IDIOT!"

Marcus-:" I expected a nicer word but ok! Sky what do you think?"

I looked at Skylar and I can see that she couldn't breathe because she was laughing so hard. But I can see she didn't want to hurt my twin's feelings.

Skylar-:" Look Mac this idea is.... perfect (ok she was totally lying) but my dad is really comprehensive. We can just talk with him we don't have to do all this. I'm sure he will understand. But of course I need your help."

Marcus-:" Fine if you want the hard way."

Martinus-:" I'm ready to help. Let's go."

Skylar's pov/

We went downstairs. Dad was watching TV, Annie was on her IPad, Mum was in the kitchen making waffles. So I said bravely: "Parents, there is something I need to tell you. And believe me if you accept, i'll be the happiest girl in the world. Mum I can even do the housework for a week."

Mum-:" Do the housework for a week? Omg this is serious!"

Dad-:" What do you want honey?"

Skylar-:" I... I want... to...uhh..ask...."

Martinus-:" She wants to ask you if you can move to Trofors for the rest of the summer. You said that you'll stay in Norway, well Trofors is in Norway."

Marcus-:" Please M. Morris, we are traveling to Trofors next week and we don't want to leave Skylar. We want to stay with her as long as we can because we know you are coming back to the USA soon. Please?"

And they both started to make those puppy eyes that you can't say no to. They are really brave, and i'm so weak. What could I do if I didn't have them in my life?

We all stared at Dad's mouth, waiting for him to say something. Dad say a word, please just one word!!!!

Please dad?

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