Signs :revised

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The clock struck twelve.

Tea time...

This was Ciara's favorite part of the day! Her Grandmothers special brew of herbs and extracts, and a much more appealing thought than her lack of romance.

Her personal preferences in tea were attracted to the light citrus flavors of orange, lemon and lime. But a special tea was in order today as this was indeed a celebratory moment, Ciara decided, her attention suddenly drawn to the front door.

A knock?

If so, a hardly a knock at all.

Visitors were unlikely.

She had no living relatives and she had left her handful of friends in New Jersey upon inheriting Grandmother Kathy estate. -

not that they had been close friends. Almost six months now, and not even a single note from any of them. Then again, she supposed that they had their own lives to live, but it would have been nice to have received a response from any of them. That's what friend are for right? shrugging her shoulders, she Yelled...


she called out, hearing a definite second knock.

The large oak door was heavy, but hinged well and carved with a lovely, intricate Eagle with a rose in it's mouth. Eagles sought everything, a strong bird with enchanted visions and being a peep-hole made the situation funny for the magical creatures who held their places. ( That Eagle was surely getting a birds eye view. Watching and hoping Ciara would come through.)

Kathy's home came alive when it was left alone. Ciara would soon remember what each little physical entity meant. But the front door was only one treasure that Ciara loved about the old mansion. It had so much character - just like her Granny.

As she cracked the door open, her gaze fell from the empty space before her to the little girl standing there, her ashen face appearing frightened, her Green eyes wide and scattered with pale bronzed skin.

Ciara immediately recognized the child. She belonged to Jack Nikkle, the rancher next door - the rancher who had treated her so unkind and rude upon her arrival at the manor.

He had wasted no time in stating his demands. -

That being, the purchase of her property. With the ongoing drought, he was in need of both the land and particularly the water supply. A beautiful crystal clear Long stream about a quarter mile from the mansion.

It had quickly become Ciara's favorite spot on the entire property and she would always take a basket of homemade bread to feed Granny's twenty-three Golden ducks.

To her understanding, Granny had given them all names and they were friendly.

In fact, Granny had given every living thing on her property a name, including the one-hundred plus koi in the goldfish pond. Located in the middle of the rose gardens. In addition to the trees surrounding the property

-and there were quite a few. This should have sparked a memory though it didn't.

Ciara glittered at the thought of keep up with everything Kathy had kept up with. Kathy had been old but by looking at her you'd never be able to guess her age, well before she died. She did so much and all she did do she did with plenty of engery. oh, how ever would I keep this place running as smoothly as Granny did?

C-c thought and a little voice responded "you'll do just fine, you are the choosen one my dare!

Startled !

Ciara gazed back down to the little girl to see it wasn't her speaking!

That was a familiar voice. She knew it....

I'm hearing things these days,

Oh, well How may I help you my darling? Ciara asked kindly ready to submitted to the girls request.

When Ciara had sternly refused her fathers offer, he had instantly dismissed her, leaving abruptly.

Which was unfortunate for him because if he had shown a single thread of kindness or hospitality, she would have gladly given him use of her land.

For free. Kat would have wanted it that way. How he didn't acknowledge she was Kat's Granddaugther, did he not remember C-c? It had only been about five year since she left. Oddly enough they seemed to ignore her quit well when she was a child and throughout her teenage years. She wouldn't recall those moment of course because to her every thing was perfect. Kat,The eagle,the Koi, the fairies,the guardians roaming the halls,the garden, and every inch of the manor made sure of it.

Darling Caira stated as her gaze was still sifting over the frightened little girl, wondering how she had ended-up at her front door. It was getting dark at that. Surely ,she would be missed by her father?

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