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Kurt nodded, then eased out, "Please call me Kurt."

The children were not ecstatic to see their dad, both choosing to remain seated, both looking uncomfortable and quite miserable.

Before he had time to speak, Ciara suggested, "Brandy and Beckie, would you like to play with Ginger?"

"Ginger?" they both blurted out simultaneously.

"My cat," Ciara told them in a advanced tone. "She is very friendly, and adores children. She should be in the den, as she is quite playful in the evening."

"Can we?" they asked their father who stood undecided. If not for Ciara's presence, he'd be yelling at this top of his lungs at them.

As he hesitated, Brandy informed, "You need to talk with Miss Ciara. It's important remember."

"Yes, she has something very important to tell you," Beckie added on, raising her eyebrows in the process.

Kurt managed to let a tight nod with his head, Suggesting it was alright, Although he was very uncomfortable with the situation entirely.

First off, his first dealing with Ciara was attached to the thoughts in the back of his mind.

Second, he didn't know whether to be relieved or angry with the twins for their disappearing act. A serious act that could not go without punishment.

Punishment. Kurt wasn't very good at that. Generally, punishment involved no television for two nights or no snack after dinner.This time the children had conducted a scam. Leaving the ranch was unforgivable. Only God knows what lurks on the other side of our fence. "Him and Ms.Northwitch." Kurt's imagination started to get the better of him.

When he realized he had been staring into thin air when he felt Ciara's hand on his arm and she suggested in a soft almost noticable tone, "May I have a word with you, Kurt? It won't take long."

He nodded, then settled in at the table, Ciara seating herself opposite of him, the Black Magic Rose situated in the center of the table wiggling in it's glass casing as they both settled into the chairs.

But my, she was a beautiful woman! Striking black hair, ruby red lips and a deep dark oddly fair complexion, Kurt decided as he continued his assessment of her. Fighting with himself he indeed had lost his mind completely. Kurt wasn't able to control his emotions at the least. First Ciara is a witch, then she becomes the most stunning "creature" he had ever laid eyes upon and again Kurt had been at lost for words.

Before he realized what was happening, Ciara had poured him a small glass of Tea and was handing it to him along with a small saucer of gingerbread men. Looked freshly baked, too, he silently noted. And he was hungry-

Fault of the naughty children.

"Is something awry?" he asked, deciding to take her up on the offer of the cookies and Tea. He noticed the Tea was specially brewed as well or had it been a poison for a spell she would cast on him and his well fed family? Thoughts of pleasure than of distaste entered and left Kurt's mind.

How long had it been since he had enjoyed fresh baked cookies? Years...that was for certain. Jana was no cook and his departed wife had been a great one. If only he could picture their last meal together.

"The children were here on a mission," Ciara eased out, unsure of how she should approach things, wondering if she should even be getting involved.

What if Kurt became irate again? He did appear to have a temper. How would she handle it? What if the children were not allowed to see her again?

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