Charmed: findings

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How could they have vanished so suddenly? And with night drawing swiftly, his fears amplified.

A knot formed in his throat as he suddenly thought of the stream next door. It was so hot outdoors and both kids had mentioned how they would like to take a swim. Surely not?

The ringing phone grabbed his attention and he practically raced to pick it up.

"Robertson here," he drawled in an impatient tone.

"Mr. Robertson, this is your neighbor, Ciara Northwitch," she began, wrestling as to what to say next.

"Miss Northwitch, please tell me that my kids are with you and that they're safe!"

"Yes - to both," Ciara quickly assured, hearing a deep sigh of relief echo on the other end of the line.

To the sudden silence, she filled in, "In fact, the two of them are sitting at my kitchen table enjoying cookies and milk. Both are fine, although little Brandy took a spill by the goldfish pond and scraped his knee. No further damage." She explained. "I-I'll be right there," he managed, flooded with relief.

Kurt met Vince on the way out of the house and quickly explained that the kids had rematerialized, Vince appearing to be as relived over the news as Kurt had been.

"I'll be back in a bit-"

"Don't ya be too hard on 'em," Vince drawled, removing his straw hat to comb back his hair with a free hand. "No sir, gotta be hard on them."

"One more reason to speed-up the wedding," Kurt murmured, uncertain if Janet was ideal material for a mother ,much less a wife. Even so, she appeared to care about the children, and they needed a female in their life right now -!Facts were facts.He didn't love her . He didn't feel that he could ever love her, but unfortunately, Janet was one of the few single females in the area.

Then again, there was always sour-puss next door, he tacked onto his tumbling thoughts as he shifted the truck into gear and headed towards Northwitch Mansion.

Ciara Northwitch, one stubborn female. She had no idea the amount of hell she was adding to his already-stressed-to-the-limit life. Without water, the ranch faced some tough hurdles, and a solution wasn't going to be cheap.

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