fantasty future

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Ideas beaming bright

"Yeah," Brandy echoed, leaning forward in his chair, upon his face a hopeful expression as he asked Ciara, "Maybe if he does marry her, we could come live with you instead? We'll be good - we promise!"

"What a great idea!" Beckie chimed out, a big smile stamped her lips. "Brandy, you're so much smarter than I am."

Would you have us? You have the space,and to live here you must be very rich, you cared enough to nurse my brother! Beckie weaned out.

Witches are normally mean...With big noses, sharp teeth and nasty attitudes toward children...They eat them! "You didn't eat us, we ate with you!" Brandy eagerly spoke. "The gingerbread men didn't come alive and run off the table and out the door, nothing strange around here. "

The children rushed through their words with excitement. Allowing C-c no room to comment.

What had that future step mother of theirs done so wrong? Was it just children being children?

By the looks of things they had been neglected a bit, or prephaps Jack Nikkle and his soon to be spouse were just busy. Planning a wedding is stressful! They also have a mighty big ranch filled with horses and such...Jack probably didn't know how to care for beckie's hair and beckie didn't seem like she'd allow the Misses to care for her either. Had it just been their very active minds playing tricks on them or them missing their mother? Ciara's head grew cloudy with what If's.

Ciara smiled, but was quite curious as to the children's assessment of their future stepmother.

So she did what any normal person would do...Investagate. Questioning the twins would be the only way to know for sure.

"Children, are you so certain about your father's fiancé?"

Ciara asked as if she was one of them. Hoping they were completely comfortable.

It wouldn't take long to get to the bottom of this. She thought "boom, case closed and I can return to my daily chores."

"Oh, she is mean alright," Brandy assured, taking another gingerbread boy from the plate. He continued, "She told us that once she marries daddy, she is sending us far far far away to school."

"She said we are in her way," Beckie inserted, her smile vanishing instantly.

"And she said that if we tell her plans to daddy, then we'll be really sorry. She said that she would hurt us like there was no tomorrow. And that scared us, and we want to tell him so badly, but we can't," Brandy admitted, his face rather uncomfortable looking.

Tears formed in his eyes.

Beckie suddenly started crying as well and Ciara's motherly instinct shifted into gear as she leaned over and comforted the twins.

"There, there, please don't cry," she told her as the little girl covered her face with her hands. "Look, if you promise to stop crying, I'll have a talk with your father-"

"You will!" Brandy blurted out, leaning forward in his seat. "See Beckie? The lucky penny worked! Our wish is going to come true."

Then to Ciara, "You'll make him see how mean Janet is, won't you, Miss Ciara?"

"I'll see what I can do," she assured, patting both of their hands, Beckie now suddenly in a much-improved mood.

Brandy still looked scared. -but Ciara would do what she could for now and try her best to keep a close eye on them. For now anyway....

"Now, if you'll just tell me your phone number, I'll call your father and we can get the ball rolling."

Brandy nodded, then provided their home phone number, adding, "I'll bet daddy will like these gingerbread cookies as much as we do, right Beckie?"

Beckie delivered a pronounced nod, then reached for another cookie......

Kurt was feeling on edge. Something was wrong. He, Vince and the cowhands had been searching for the twins for the past two hours.j

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