Putting it all together again

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Then Kurt added "I'm sorry that we got off on the wrong foot. I suppose Jana has gotten to me as well. I know ...My behavior was inexcusable. It's just.....without water, the ranch is at high risk for failure!" This is a bad time. Water is something I can't lose. I should not have judged you! I . I. I don't know why I acted...

Ciara kindly stopped Kurt from speaking.

She put her finger to her mouth and gestured for him to shut-up.

Looking him directly in his big bold eyes she said.

"Kurt, your cattle are free to drink as they wish from the stream. Its just that I couldn't bear to abandon the property for any amount of money. Grandmother Kathy was very dear to me, and I love this house!"

"You're serious?"

Kurt curiously asked.

"Absolutely, and I would have told you that day. Had you not anger not provoked you to walked away from me," Ciara informed Kurt, as her face lit with a grimace expression.

Kurt reached out his harden calloused hands to touch Ciara's forearm. Propelled by his now deep appreciation towards her.

Or he would have if the solid oviform terracotta pot containing the picturesque mantrap black rose had not abruptly wiggled and tipped. Fortunately, he reached out and succeeded to catch it just before it fell.

Stunned and grateful Ciara looked into Kurt's eyes seeing his soul. Ciara reached out for Kurt's hand. Kurt reached for Ciara as well. Gazing into each others eyes was like magic. Everything around them seemed to disappear. The Golden cup on the wooden table began to utter the words. "Please do it." Kurt didn't hear it at first. Surely it caught C-c's attention she knew the voice was real. Maybe Grands perhaps telling her to kiss the toad. She would become a princess briefly after.

Ciara stayed still as Kurt Guided her. Picking her lengthy caramel face up toward him. She lend in with out question. The deluxe grand piano automatically play a tune. They ignored the extraordinary notes being played as if it was only in their minds.

Music was defiantly in their hearts. I suppose they thought it was just the feelings of true love.

Kurt continued to direct Ciara, wrapping one of his arms around her waist and the other still softly guiding her face. He began to kiss her glossed lips lightly. She kissed him back comforting his rough hair. Kurt was completely under Ciara's spell that she had not cast. Her smooth lips were like candy to a child as Kurt's lips touched hers.

The kissing continued just as the music. With each lip lock the piano played itself louder. Kurt and Ciara lifted off the old ashen wooden floor. They rested a complete foot in the air as the temperature in the room changed. The dust from the gloomy night filled the air surrounding them. Still unaware the concluded the kiss. The rubbish material matter carried over them circling a few times.

The air smelled no longer of sweet aromas. Although it was quite intoxicating it wasn't that pleasant. Still under the influence Ciara and Kurt bound together no longer smooching but changing while uplifted in the misty musty air. They began to turn twist in full locomotion.

Losing mobility after a few seconds movement began suddenly the fell to the floor causing a earsplitting noise.

The children didn't hear them. Beckie and Brandy were roaming the mansion with Kitty finding magic of their own.

Kurt and Ciara had been totally transformed. Ciara more open mined and colorful open her eyes and saw Kurt. His attire changed. She was in shock but not worried more flattered. Her memory had returned. Grand was right. so was Kurt, his friend Vince and the twins. What would he do, how would he respond? When he realized he had changed?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2012 ⏰

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