Chapter 9

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Hello everyone!
Just a reminder. I don't own Naruto or their characters (If I did, Sasunaru and Itanaru for life!!). Comments are most appreciated. Thank you and enjoy~~~

~~~In Naruto's house (in the forest of Death)~~~
No ones POV
It has been months since anyone saw Sasuke happy . He had his Uchiha pride so he didn't show his emotions through his face, but his eyes showed them. Now all they could see is sadness. Why? Simply because the love of his life, Naruto, left. He knew from the beginning that Naruto was wearing a mask, but he didn't know why or what he truly was like. He soon fell in love with Naruto. He hated people who talked bad about his Naruto. When the boy left, all Sasuke felt was sadness. His parents allowed him to live in Naruto's house, as they knew how much Sasuke loved Naruto and they thought of Naruto as family too. But I guess Naruto never saw that. They helped him from the shadows. The whole Uchiha family only wished they did more. When they saw Minato and Kushina, they knew that they found out about everything and are going to find their son.
Sasuke and Itachi live in Naruto's house, cleaning it and taking care of it everyday. The animals grew close to them and saw that Itachi loves Naruto as a brother and Sasuke loves him as a lover. Sasuke couldn't show any other emotion than sadness. This saddened all the Uchiha's to no end. They wanted to do something, especially his brother Itachi and his parents Mikoto and Fugaku. They 3 of them met up ant the Uchiha compound to discuss about their grieving son.

Mikoto's POV
There has to be a way to get my baby out of this sadness. But the only way is for him to be with Naruto. I only want my baby with Naruto!!! I can't blame him for going out of this pathetic village though. There has to be a way!!!
"Ne, Fugaku?"
"What is it dear?"
"Isn't there a way to contact Minato and Kushina?"
"I don't know....."
I suddenly remembered something.
"Dear, remember when they told us about their fox contract and how to contact them???"
Flashback no jutsu!!!!
"Ne Kushina, what animal do you like the most?" Mikoto asked as their husbands turn around to listen to the conversation.
"FOX!!!!!!" Kushina replied happily.
"So do you have a contract with them?" Mikoto asked.
Minato replied, "We do. Although it's thanks to Kurama. We love all the foxes and they love us!!"
Fugaku asked, "So if anything happens and we get separated,  can we find you using the fox?
Minato laughed as he handed his friend a scroll. "Use this. His name is Uro. He will deliver us a message wherever we are. You don't need to make a contract with him unless you want to!!!"
Flashback no jutsu KAI!!!

It looks like Fugaku remembers. He rushes into a room while I explain what just happened to Itachi. God he is sooo cute!!! Fugaku comes back with a scroll.
"Let's write the letter first!" I say.

This is how the letter looks:
To Kushina and Minato.
Hello dear friends. I am glad to see you alive! I apologise for not being able to help Naruto, your son, as much as I should have. Nobody in Konoha knows about this and are celebrating that he's gone saying 'The Demon Is Gone!'  Don't worry, I personally 'Took Care' of them. I didn't kill them, just in case you wanted to. Did you hear about the Haruno family!! I was soo shocked when I found out they raped Naruto more than 15 times!!! I went to their cellar to PERSONALLY deliver hell, but if it wasn't for the 3 Sannin, my husband and Sarutobi, I would have killed them!! So..... I just showed/tortured them in HELL!! Anyways, there is something you should know. You know Sasuke right, well don't tell Naruto but Sasuke has been in love with Naruto for a long time. When Naruto left, it broke Sasuke's heart that Naruto thought that Sasuke thought of him as a Demon. I haven't seen him happy at all since then. He lives in Naruto's house, taking care of it. I don't know how to help him. Please, give Sasuke a chance and when you come back help him. We don't know what to do anymore. Remember, we love you guys a lot so please don't hesitate to ask us ANYTHING.
From your friend,
Mikoto Uchiha.

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