Chapter 3

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Hello everyone!
Just a reminder. I don't own Naruto or their characters (If I did, Sasunaru and Itanaru for life!!). Comments are most appreciated. Thank you and enjoy~~~
(BTW, the pic above is Kurama's human form)

Naruto age 12
Naruto's POV.
Today I have to meet my teammates in front of the bridge. I barely get any visitors since they all have to work. I get beaten more often by the villagers. I don't even fight them because I know how much dad loved them. Kurama-nii is always there helping me. But, I just can't take this anymore!!! Why do I have to suffer like this!! What did I do to deserve this?! I started cutting myself. It's the only thing that eases my pain. Kurama-nii tried to stop me but it wouldn't work. I just can't do this anymore!!!

I bandaged my new cuts (around 6 new ones) as I headed out. It's been harder to fake a smile nowadays. My teammates haven't even noticed that I have been acting different. I look at them and smiled as much as I could (which wasn't a lot) and said, "Hi Sakura-chan!! Sasuke!!"
"Naruto would you shut up! God your voice is soo annoying. Why do you have to be in our group anyways?"

Their words are starting to hurt me. I don't think I can do this anymore. "Stay strong Kid! I am right with you!" Thanks Kurama-nii.
We finished our D- ranked mission and we all separated. I went home and saw that I had no more food left. I henged myself to a tall, brown- haired with blue eyes man. My whiskers were gone. I went to go grocery shopping when I saw my 'friends' in a restaurant. Curiously, I entered. I sat somewhere in front of them. I could see Sasuke, annoying Sakura, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Tenten, Neji, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Lee.
Neji: "Where's Naruto?"
Kiba: "Now that I think about it, where is he?"
Choji: "Did you invite him, Sakura?"
Sakura: "No I did not."
Shikamaru: "Its troublesome to ask but why?"
Ino: "Isn't that obvious?"
Hinata: "Wh- What d-do you me-mean?"
Sakura: "he's an annoying idiot that doesn't deserve to be a ninja!"
Ino: "He always pisses Sasuke off. Trying to act cool. God he's so annoying!"
Sakura: "My mom said he's a demon. I couldn't agree more. He shouldn't even be here. He's a demon!!"

I couldn't hear anymore so I sunshined to my house. I started crying. Kurama came out in his human form and started to comfort me. I can't handle this anymore!!!

~~~Meanwhile in the restaurant~~~
No one's POV 
Sakura: "He's a demon!!"
Hinata got up and slapped Sakura hard.
Hinata: "What the f*** did you just say?!"
Kiba: "I agree he's annoying but he is NOT a demon!!"
Neji: "Go to hell Sakura and Ino!"
Shikamaru: "He's our friend!!"
Sakura and Ino got up and slammed their hands on the desk.
Sakura: "How dare you slap me, you b****"
Ino: "Even Sasuke agrees with us. He's a demon that should have never been born!!"
Sasuke got up and slapped Ino.
Sasuke: "Don't you dare call him a demon!" He glared at the 2 of them.
Choji: "You both are more demonic than him!! He tries his best to help us in any way possible and this is how you treat him?!"
Lee: "He has more youth that anyone!!!"

Kakashi, Kuranai, Asuma and Might Guy stands up from a different table and wallks towards them.
Kakashi: "I am very dissapointed in you Sakura."
Asuma: "How dare you say that Ino!"
Guy: "You have no power of youth!!"
Kuranai: "We will tell lord hokage about this. If you hurt him, we all will crush you!"

Everyone leaves, except Sakura and Ino. Ino realised her mistake and feel ashamed, while Sakura just stood there angry that they would 'betray' her.

~~~Back to Naruto~~~
Kurama's POV
I can't believe they said that!! They made Naruto cry. This isn't right!! Naruto needs to leave this place, and fast.
"Naruto... let's leave this place.."
"Where *sob* will we *sob* go?"
"Away from here. Far away. To a place only known to animals."
"When do we *sob* leave?"
"Right now! Pack your bags!!"

So... what do you think? Their going now...
Hope you enjoyed!! Chapter 4 coming soon~~~

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