Chapter 2

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Hello everyone!
Just a reminder. I don't own Naruto or their characters (If I did, Sasunaru and Itanaru for life!!). Comments are most appreciated. Thank you and enjoy~~~

Naruto Age 10
Naruto's POV
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
Great.... I broke another alarm clock. Just perfect. Well, I have to get ready and head out for school. Yes, I am attending school. Even though I am actually an ANBU, code name: Kitsune. Jiji wanted me to make friends my age so he made me attend school. Not that I care cuz their parents hate me. I got dressed in this horrid orange jumpsuit that uncle Orochi bought for me. They wanted me to act like an idiot and a ball of sunshine. I thought it would be funny so I did. I even went so far as to pretend to have a crush on an annoying banshee by the name of Sakura Haruno. God how I hate her!!! Kurama-nii agrees too!!!

Well, I got ready and had some ramen (the veg one). My pals (the animals) came to greet me. I love them! Uncle Orochi came to visit too. He said he wants to go to the academy with me today, I dunno why. That place is hell. The teachers, except Iruka sensei, hate me. So, uncle Orochi and I sunshined to the back of the school.

I entered the school with uncle Orochi behind me. There were glares from the teachers but uncle Orochi glared back at them, also releasing a little KI (Killer Intent), which made them shiver in fear. Uncle Orochi has always been protective of me!

"A little too overprotective if you ask me" Kurama-nii said as we started chatting using our mental like.
"At least it keeps the teachers away"
"You got that right!! Uh oh"
"Annoying Banshee headed your way!"
"God damn it!"
"Don't swear!!"
"Sorry, mom.."
"I am not your mother! Anyways, do something about this beast in girl skin"

"Is that the girl you pretend to have a crush on?" Uncle Orochi asked.
"Yes. God she's soo annoying!! It's like her life revolves around Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like him, Itachi-nii is way better. Sasuke doesn't really know me so please don't bring things up like 'Naruto and Itachi are best friends'!"
I turn and face Sakura planting the biggest fake smile I could manage. It fooled everyone, except the ones I care about. "Hii Sakura-chan!!!"
"Eww. Naruto.. god I must be having bad luck. First I paint my nails the wrong colour and now I have to see your ugly face!"
"That's soo mean" (I fake pouted)
"Got to go. Hope you vanish."

When she left I could feel some KI releasing from uncle Orochi. Oh kami....

We reached the classroom and Uncle Orochi was sitting next to me. I sat in the middle with Sasuke at my other side. Soon enough, 2 annoying banshees came up (Ino and Sakura).
"MOVE NARUTO!! I AM GOING TO SIT NEXT TO SASUKE!!!" They both said. Sakura was about to hit me but Uncle Orochi caught it and smiled at her (in an evil way). He said, "Naruto and I came here first. You should have come here early if you wanted to sit next to your precious Sasuke. The next time I catch you hitting Naruto for a silly reason like this, you'll have hell to pay!!!" He said the last part in such malice it made even me shiver. Sakura and Ino got the message and sat somewhere else, afraid their life would end. Uncle Orochi started patting my head, he knew I liked that. I liked it soo much I purred, softly..

Sasuke's POV
Dobe and his really older snake looking friend sat next to me. Not that I mind because he blocked the fan girls away. The 2 annoying banshees came in and the pink headed one, I think her name is Sakura, was about to hit Naruto when his friend caught it. He released words coated with such malice, I became scared. Really scared. But I didn't show it.

I then heard something. I looked at the Dobe and he was..... Purring?! That looked kinda cute.... wait what?! There is no way I just called him cute!! He started falling asleep and was still purring. Only his friend and I can hear this. The snake looking man looked at me and smiled. He said, "Naruto always purrs when someone rubs his head or plays with his whisker marks." I don't know why he told me that so I just responded with a "Hn". I kinda want to try it too.... wait what am I thinking?!

Hope you enjoyed!! Chapter 3 coming soon~~~

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