Chapter 21: Anaconda

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Walking through the door my heart instantly began to ache. I couldn't bare to see him hooked up to the different machines.

I sat my bag in a corner and proceeded to turn the couch into a pull out bed. Grabbing the sheets and thin blanket I made the bed I'd be staying in until further notice. I hoped Phire packed my favorite blanket..

Yes I'm almost 22 and still have a favorite blanket FIGHT ME.

Anyways I unpacked some nightwear and found my blanket. Thank Goodness for Sapphire. Making sure to grab my Dove soap I quietly walked to the bathroom.

I left the chair in there that people who have trouble standing use and turned the water up as high as it went. Tying up my twist I slipped off my torn blood-stained dress. I refused to look in the mirror I already knew I looked like a zombie.

Removing my bra and panties I stepped in the shower adjusting the shower head so it was directly on me and sat on the shower chair. I pulled my knees to my chest and let the dried up blood wash off of me.

I set my head on my knees and began to cry quietly.

I should've gave him that second chance and just let him do what he wanted to do. Life's too short to be controlling like that. Maybe that's the real reason he left the first time.

I promised I wouldn't get in my thoughts so I lathered up my washcloth with soap and washed the negativity away. I was going to be by his side title or not because this isn't about me. It's about him needing all the support he can receive.

Rinsing off I turned the shower off and wrapped up in a towel hanging up. I finally had a chance to look in the mirror. I still looked the same my eyes were puffy though and my lips were swollen from crying.

I took another washcloth and washed my face with cold water to ease the swelling. Since I rather air dry I went and sat on the rather creaky pull out bed.

I dropped my towel and began to put lotion and deodorant on. When I bent over to lotion my legs I heard his heart monitor speed up. I turned around quickly to see him wide awake staring at me with hazy eyes slightly smirking.

"Had a nice show huh?" I joked throwing on my night gown.

I wake up to her ass naked bent over. I thought it was the drugs causing me to trip until I heard her speak.

"Had a nice show huh?" She said in a smart tone.

All I could do was smirk. I remember everything that happened and I was already plotting in my head. That's just the Dez in me.

I motioned for her to come over with my left arm considering I had six broken ribs on my right side.

She sashayed over in a granny nightgown but she made it look good. I slid over the best I could to give her thick ass some room.

Once she was comfy she cuddled into me and let out a sigh full of relief.

"I thought I lost you for good.."

I don't think she knew I heard her but it was followed by giggles.

"Is this the hospital gown where your entire ass is out in the back?"

My eyes widen. I do not play about wearing no bottoms I'll not wear a shirt before I not wear boxers. Before I knew it she snaked her hand up my gown! Sure enough..I was naked.

Her eyes got 10x bigger when she noticed too and she snatched her hand back. As fast as lightening she got out the bed and bundled up on that tiny pull out couch. I couldn't register what had happened but she turned the lights out and I went out too.

Mrs. Fuentes
Apparently my flight is supposed to be 5 hours. Mobile time the flight took off at 8am but California time it was 6am. Just from that observation I knew jet lag was gonna be the death of me.

I pulled the tiny blind down on the window and got comfortable as possible. If I sleep I'll be there in no time.

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