Chapter 27: Wait..WHAT!

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Staying with Ben these couple of days has really made a huge difference. I rest easier knowing I have my brother looking after me. Speaking of brother, I really have to make it up to J.

I also didn't even tell Cinnamon happy birthday. The phone works both ways too so obviously she's not phased. I just need to take this dude out, quit the game, and move forward with my life.

How I feel for Cinnamon is complicated. It's like I know for a fact I love her but I don't even know if it's worth it. I don't want our high school drama again I'm too grown for it. I know the good outweighs the bad but...the chime from my phone ruined my train of thought.

It was a Snapchat notification from some random girl I added one day. Going to view the snap the screen was filled with her DD cup breast. Not gonna lie, my eyes widen a bit. Plus no limit was on. Soaking up the picture I simply replied, "maybe you should show me in person"

Moving on can't be THAT hard. I mean it's women lined up at my door!

Are they even worth it though?


Since I met Rashaad in the mall he's been blowing my fake phone up! One of his downfalls is a pretty face I've observed that already.

He was currently sending me pictures of his nice cars and huge house. While pretending to be interested I took note of the surroundings in the background. I honestly think I knew exactly where he lived.

So far the plan I have is to poison him. That's the easiest and cleanest thing I can think of considering I can handle large amounts of blood. A piece of me was telling me that I shouldn't take his life but the Gemini in me screamed 'FUCK HIM SIS GET THAT ICE COLD REVENGE'.

I considered telling Sapphire about it but the less she knows the better. I don't want her worried or getting hurt in the process. As long as I kept my lies straight to Rah this plan was fool proof.

He wanted me to come over Friday to swim but it was only Wednesday today. I played my flirty girl role and gladly accepted.

All I needed was a cute enough swim suit and more time to make the plan happen. Suddenly a wave of sadness washed over me. I found myself missing Desmond.

Instead of sulking, I actually did something about it. I FaceTimed him.

The longer the phone made the noise, the longer I held my breath. A exhaled heavily seeing 'connecting' appear across the screen.

His handsome face took up the entire camera. He just looked at me and I looked back wide eyed. Suddenly a warm smirk spreads across his face. That instantly causes me to blush. I didn't let that stop me from being the first one to speak.

" this a good time?" I asked chewing my lip.

"No time like the present you doing?" He propped the phone up against a pillow and started back his game.

"I'm alright. I was getting pretty sad because I haven't heard from have you been?"

"Uh..I'm alright..I wasn't so good a couple days ago but I'm alright you miss me huh" he smirked again

I rolled my eyes laughing, "Mmhm ANYWAYS you don't look like you're at home??"

"Yeah I'm at Ben's for the time being. We got a lot of stuff to handle and it'll be better if we closer"

"I met Rashaad at the mall!" I blurted out and instantly regretted it.

He paused the game and picked the phone up looking at me.

"Okay and? Did he hurt you what else happened??"

"I'll tell you but you have to hear me out completely ok?"

He said okay and flashed me his pinkie to indicate he promises to listen.

"Ok he was staring at me then I caught him so he came over to my table. After realizing this was THE RASHAAD I took it upon myself to plot against him. He didn't recognize me so I used a fake name and I bought a fake phone to text him from. I want him to dig me enough to let his guard down then I was maybe gonna take him out..."

He started shaking his head, "I appreciate the offer but killing somebody ain't in your bloo-"

"Oh but it's in yours?" I cocked my eyebrow up.

"That's not the point. Listen okay? I don't want you hurt by any of this okay? The only way you can help is by not helping. Cut that dude off and throw that phone away before it's too late"

"But Desmond I can really help!"

"No Cinnamon!" He stated firmly making me pout slightly.

"Leave it alone okay? I mean it.." and with that he hung up. I laid back down in my bed and curled up. What do I do now?


I know I have to eventually go back to work for Dez. It's just my life actually feels normal for once. Candice gives me the security I've been dreaming of.

It's not even on some lust type of stuff I'm really feeling her. It's crazy because I'd expect Desmond and Cinnamon to have 22 kids before I settled down.

I'm not going to jinx it and say me and Cocaine are an item but that's my girl. It's something about a woman with her own that just makes my head spin. That shit soo sexy.

I answered my phone real smooth like knowing Cocaine wanted to hear my voice at work.

"You can't get enough of daddy huh?" I said into my phone slightly smirking.

"Nigga what???" Desmond's voice boomed through the phone.

"MANN I'm keeping my line clear my lady be missing me wassup?" I stated obviously annoyed now.

"Look man all I want to say was meet me at Ben's house we can talk about the rest in person Romeo.." he joked

"Yeah man okay she's calling I got to couldn't get enough of daddy huh?"

"Jawn Wallace Anderson who do you think this is?!"

"MA! Oh shi-oot shoot ma you scared me..h-how have you been.." I was in for a 37 minute lecture now..great.

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