chapter 1;

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•— 3rd person —•

   Lili sat out on the patio of her hotel room, watching the sun fall and the moon and stars appear before her eyes. She was in New York along with the cast of Riverdale, preparing for season 1. They would stay in New York for atleast 1 week, to met the cast and become bonded before flying out to Vancouver, Canada to begin filming. Fans would always be standing outside the hotel, eager to meet the stars of this new show, which almost always brought joy and happiness to the blonde girls face. She stared out into the sunset before jumping up, being greeted by a familar co-star of hers: Cole Sprouse. He wrapped his arm around her, smoking a cigarette "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you there baby" He spoke in his usual tone. "Again? With the pet names" She chuckled, making him smirk. "Hey! Can't help it!" He put his hands up in defense, making her laugh. The two sighed before she rested her head on the railing "You know, this is a picture perfect moment. Stay still" He walked over to his bag and pulled out his camera, doing a few test shots before pointing the camera at her, and taking a photo. She giggled and looked over "Well haven't i been blessed by the Cole Sprouse's photography" She teased, making him look back at her with a wide, toothy grin. Her phone suddenly buzzed and she looked over, checking it.

    Cami⭐️ ; how's hanging out with your boyfriend ?

    Lili ; I'm just talking to Cole, Cami

    Cami⭐️ ; so your admitting that Cole is your boyfriend ? Ooooo girl i got you busted!!!!

    Lili ; Shut it! Go away!

    Cami⭐️ ; And just for that, You are now my lesbian lover and i will let Cole know that. Gn!!! 💕💕

   Lili shut off her phone, setting it to the side before looking over at Cole who was checking his. "Cami is very infatuated with you hmm? Why did this happen" He teased, stepping closer to her. She rolled her eyes "She's— No! She's just trying to mess with me is all" She sighed, rubbing her eyes. He started chuckling "I know that, you couldn't be in love with Cami because your too busy being in love with me!" He teased, making her blush. "Oh shut up and go to bed" She pushed him before going inside, making him smirk as she walked away.

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