chapter 10;

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   The group sat together at a booth in the sushi restaurant, plates upon plates of sushi in front of them as they ate and talked. Cole scooted in closer to Lili, leaning down to whisper in her ear "Lils, Are you sure you don't need help paying for this? this'll be almost $300!" He said a little suspiciously. "Cole..." She let out a small giggle before reaching into her wallet and pulling out a credit card; not hers. "Is that your exs? Lili your crazy!" He said with a gasp, making her smirk. "Sush...." She placed a gentle finger to his lips, her smirk only widening. He smirked back and removed her hand, leaning down to kiss her. "When did this sudden bad behavior come out?" He whispered huskily before the two were shoved away by Madelaine. "Can you guys get a room and not makeout on me!" She laughed, causing the two to blush and go back to eating. Lili handed the waiter the credit card before he came back a few minutes later, "The card has been declined. We're supposed to call the police—" Lili quickly cut him off as the group looked at her. "Wait try this one" She mumbled before handing him her own credit card and taking the declined one. The waiter came back with the receipt, "Thank you for dining with us! Have a good night!" He said as we walked out.

   The group quickly ran out before Cole stopped Lili in front of everyone, "What was that?!" He snapped, causing her step back. "I didn't think he would notice! Cole its fine—" Cole quickly cut her off. "You could've gotten us all in trouble by using his card! Fuck they even said they would call the cops what the fuck Lili!" He yelled, causing her to step back more as he came closer. "Cole its fine, Lets just go" KJ said as he tried to break the twos fighting. The two began arguing and yelling at eachother before Lili finally yelled, "Fuck you Cole! I can't do anything nice without your drunk ass getting pissed!" She slapped him harshly. He swallowed thickly, looking away as she ran off. "Lili come back!" Camila said as she ran off and out of sight.

   Everyone was silent on the drive home besides Camila who was calling Lili over and over again and leaving messages. The phone finally answered as Camila put it on speaker, "Oh my god Lili! Are you okay?" She said as everyone listened carefully. A male voice spoke, "This isn't Lili? I found this phone on the ground. Looks a bit cracked and scraped up" The man said as he walked. Cole banged his head on the side of the car before telling KJ to pull over. He quickly got out of the car, "I'm going to go find her. I'll meet up with you later" Cole said as he ran off.

   He walked up and down the streets, looking inside each store before hearing a familar laugh coming from inside a bar. He peered in and saw the beautiful blonde sitting at the bar, talking and laughing with some guy. He stormed in, walking over and tapping her shoulder. Lili turned around and raised an eyebrow, "What? You here to tell me about how shitty i am again?" She growled, the man next to her protectively putting a hand out. "Hey just leave the girl alone—" He was cut off by Cole pushing him back. "Back off dude this isn't your problem. Lili come on, Please come back" He pleaded, looking down at the clearly pissed and hurt girl. "Why? So i can be used by you again? Not today Satan" She snapped, taking another sip of her drink. Cole frowned, "Lili please" He begged. "Please my ass" She took a long sip of her drink before splashing it onto Cole. Everyone stared at the two before Cole stormed out and took a taxi.

   The next morning, Camila sat downstairs by herself as she drank some coffee. She heard the door open quietly, seeing Lili. "Oh my god Lili are you okay?" She ran over and hugged the blonde, "Cole said you were with some guy and you splashed beer on him. What happened?" The two sat down, Camila handing her a coffee. She shrugged, "Some guy. That some guy was my cousin who was in town. I was, slightly drunk, and pissed, so yeah i guess i did splash Cole" She shrugged with a groan, taking a sip of her coffee and not noticing Cole step out from around the corner. "You could've told me that was your cousin, Ya know instead of soaking me in beer" Cole said expressionless, making Lili shrug again. "Kay, I'm going to go take a nap since it's our day off. Couldn't get much sleep dealing with a drunk gay guy" she pushed past Cole and KJ who just stepped up, walking up to her room and closing the door.

   Lili plopped down onto her bed, rubbing her head as she got under the covers and buried her head into the pillow.

   "And im the bad guy" Cole retorted, sitting on the couch with Camila and KJ. "Well...Yeah...Yeah you kinda are" KJ mumbled, frowning and looking away. "You shouldn't have gotten mad at her, Cole. Even if we did get in trouble...Plus her ex was abusive to her. Revenge is a tricky game" Camila mumbled the last part, making Cole sigh. Camila shrugged, "You two stay here. I'm going to go check on her to see if she needs anything" Camila said as she heard sneezing from upstairs. "Hey Lili...You okay?" Camila said softly, walking into the blondes room. "I think i'm getting sick" Lili groaned, staring up at the wall. "I'll get you something okay?" Camila said as she walked out.

   "Lili is coming down with a cold" Camila said as she went into the kitchen and got her some soup, medication, and a box of tissues. Cole stopped her, "Ill take it to her" He said as he carried the tray upstairs.

   "Camila you didn't have to get me any— Oh...Hi Cole...Thank you" She whispered, sitting up slowly and rubbing her eyes. "Hey, Don't say sorry. I'm sorry about last night though, I just got a little paranoid is all" He rubbed her head softly, placing the tray in front of her before sitting down next too her. She shrugged, "Its okay...Sorry for splashing you with beer" She looked over at him as their eyes locked. He smiled at her, she returning it before the two pulled into a soft kiss. "Wait wait! I'll get you sick!" She pulled away, making him smirk with a laugh. "You think i care about that?" He laughed before pulling the girl into his arms and kissing her all over.

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